This is a module
This submodule contains models for calculating general or generic values that are useful for all other pore-scale models, such as scaling values, or generating an array of random numbers.
Blank model used in PNM format, acting as a placeholder |
Clips the given array within the supplied limits |
Places the given constant value into the target object |
Subtracts elements 1:N in props from element 0 |
Calculates the ratio between two values |
Adopt a value based on the values in neighboring pores |
Adopt a value from the values found in neighboring throats |
Accepts an object from the Scipy.stats submodule and returns values from the distribution for the given seeds |
Runs an arbitrary function on the given data |
Inverts the given array |
Calculates a property as a linear function of a given property |
Generate values corresponding to a given histogram |
Produces values from a Weibull distribution given a set of random numbers. |
Normalizes the given array between the supplied limits |
Calculates a property as a polynomial function of a given property |
Calculates the product of multiple property values |
Create an array of random numbers of a specified size. |
Scales an existing value by a factor. |
Sums the values in the given arrays |
Produces values from a Weibull distribution given a set of random numbers. |