
Algorithm.throats(labels=None, mode='or', asmask=False)#

Returns throat locations where given labels exist, according to the logic specified by the mode argument.

  • labels (str or list[str]) – The throat label(s) whose locations are requested. If omitted, ‘all’ throat inidices are returned. This argument also accepts ‘*’ for wildcard searches.

  • mode (str) –

    Specifies how the query should be performed. The options are:




    Returns the labels that are assigned to any of the given locations. Also accepts ‘union’ and ‘any’


    Labels that are present on all the given locations. also accepts ‘intersection’ and ‘all’


    Labels that are present on only one of the given locations.Also accepts ‘exclusive_or’


    Labels that are not present on any of the given locations. Also accepts ‘not’ and ‘none’


    Labels that are present on all but one of the given locations


    Labels that are present on more than one of the given locations.

  • asmask (bool) – If True then a boolean array of length Nt is returned with True values indicating the throats that satisfy the query.


  • A Numpy array containing throat indices filtered by the logic specified

  • in mode.

See also
