Source code for openpnm.utils._misc

import functools
import inspect
import os
import warnings
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from docrep import DocstringProcessor

__all__ = [

[docs] class Docorator(DocstringProcessor): """OpenPNM's customized docstring processor.""" __instance__ = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if Docorator.__instance__ is None: Docorator.__instance__ = DocstringProcessor() # Add custom parameter type sections a = DocstringProcessor.param_like_sections Docorator.__instance__.param_like_sections = a + [] # ["Attributes", "Settings"] # Add custom text type sections a = Docorator.__instance__.text_sections Docorator.__instance__.text_sections = a + [] # Create a single list of all section types a = Docorator.__instance__.param_like_sections b = Docorator.__instance__.text_sections Docorator.__instance__.all_sections = a + b return Docorator.__instance__
[docs] class PrintableList(list): r""" Simple subclass of ``list`` that has nice printing. Only works flat lists. Examples -------- >>> from openpnm.utils import PrintableList >>> temp = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3'] >>> print(PrintableList(temp)) ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 1 : item1 2 : item2 3 : item3 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Each line contains the result of ``print(item)`` on each item in the list """ def __str__(self): horizontal_rule = "―" * 78 lines = [horizontal_rule] self.sort() for i, item in enumerate(self): lines.append("{0:<5s} : {1}".format(str(i + 1), item)) lines.append(horizontal_rule) return "\n".join(lines)
# def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover # return self.__str__()
[docs] class PrintableDict(dict): r""" Simple subclass of ``dict`` that has nicer printing. Examples -------- >>> from openpnm.utils import PrintableDict >>> from numpy import array as arr >>> d = {'item1': 1, 'item2': '1', 'item3': [1, 1], 'item4': arr([1, 1])} >>> print(PrintableDict(d)) ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Key Value ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― item1 1 item2 1 item3 [1, 1] item4 (2,) ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― If the item is a Numpy array the value column will contain the items' shape, otherwise it will contain the result of ``print(item)`` """ def __init__(self, *args, key="Key", value="Value", **kwargs): self._value = value self._key = key super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover # return self.__str__() def __str__(self): header = "―" * 78 lines = [header, "{0:<35s} {1}".format(self._key, self._value), header] for item in list(self.keys()): if item.startswith('_'): continue if isinstance(self[item], np.ndarray): lines.append("{0:<35s} {1}".format(item, np.shape(self[item]))) else: lines.append("{0:<35s} {1}".format(item, self[item])) lines.append(header) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] class NestedDict(dict): """Brief explanation of 'NestedDict'""" def __init__(self, mapping={}, delimiter="/"): super().__init__() self.delimiter = delimiter self.update(mapping) self.unravel() def __setitem__(self, key, value): path = key.split(self.delimiter, 1) if len(path) > 1: if path[0] not in self.keys(): self[path[0]] = NestedDict(delimiter=self.delimiter) self[path[0]][path[1]] = value else: super().__setitem__(key, value) def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = NestedDict(delimiter=self.delimiter) return self[key]
[docs] def unravel(self): for item in self.keys(): self[item] = self.pop(item)
[docs] def to_dict(self, dct=None): if dct is None: dct = self plain_dict = dict() for key in dct.keys(): value = dct[key] if hasattr(value, "keys"): plain_dict[key] = self.to_dict(value) else: plain_dict[key] = value return plain_dict
[docs] def keys(self, dicts=True, values=True): k = list(super().keys()) new_keys = [] for item in k: if hasattr(self[item], "keys"): if dicts: new_keys.append(item) else: if values: new_keys.append(item) return new_keys
def __str__(self): def print_level(self, p="", indent="-"): for item in self.keys(): if hasattr(self[item], "keys"): p = print_level(self[item], p=p, indent=indent + indent[0]) elif indent[-1] != " ": indent = indent + "" p = indent + item + "\n" + p return p p = print_level(self) return p
[docs] class HealthDict(PrintableDict): r""" This class adds a 'health' check to a standard dictionary. This check looks into the dict values, and considers empty lists as healthy and all else as unhealthy. If one or more entries is 'unhealthy' the health method returns False. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def _get_health(self): health = True for item in list(self.keys()): try: if len(self[item]) > 0: health = False except TypeError: if self[item]: health = False return health health = property(fget=_get_health) def __bool__(self): return
[docs] def flat_list(input_list): r""" Given a list of nested lists of arbitrary depth, returns a single level or 'flat' list. """ def _flatten(l): for el in l: if isinstance(el, Iterable) and not isinstance(el, (str, bytes)): yield from _flatten(el) else: yield el return list(_flatten(input_list))
[docs] def sanitize_dict(input_dict): r""" Given a nested dictionary, ensures that all nested dicts are normal Python dicts. This is necessary for pickling, or just converting an 'auto-vivifying' dict to something that acts normal. """ plain_dict = dict() for key in input_dict.keys(): value = input_dict[key] if hasattr(value, "keys"): plain_dict[key] = sanitize_dict(value) else: plain_dict[key] = value return plain_dict
[docs] def methods_to_table(obj): r""" Converts a methods on an object to a ReST compatible table Parameters ---------- obj : Base Any object that has a methods params : bool Indicates whether or not to include a list of parameter values in the table. Set to False for just a list of models, and True for a more verbose table with all parameter values. """ parent = obj.__class__.__mro__[1] temp = inspect.getmembers(parent, predicate=inspect.isroutine) parent_funcs = [i[0] for i in temp if not i[0].startswith("_")] temp = inspect.getmembers(obj.__class__, predicate=inspect.isroutine) obj_funcs = [i[0] for i in temp if not i[0].startswith("_")] funcs = set(obj_funcs).difference(set(parent_funcs)) row = "+" + "-" * 22 + "+" + "-" * 49 + "+" fmt = "{0:1s} {1:20s} {2:1s} {3:47s} {4:1s}" lines = [] lines.append(row) lines.append(fmt.format("|", "Method", "|", "Description", "|")) lines.append(row.replace("-", "=")) for i, item in enumerate(funcs): try: s = getattr(obj, item).__doc__.strip() end = s.find("\n") if end > 47: s = s[:44] + "..." lines.append(fmt.format("|", item, "|", s[:end], "|")) lines.append(row) except AttributeError: pass return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def models_to_table(obj, params=True): r""" Converts a all the models on an object to a ReST compatible table Parameters ---------- obj : Base Any object that has a ``models`` attribute params : bool Indicates whether or not to include a list of parameter values in the table. Set to False for just a list of models, and True for a more verbose table with all parameter values. """ if not hasattr(obj, "models"): raise Exception("Received object does not have any models") row = "+" + "-" * 4 + "+" + "-" * 22 + "+" + "-" * 18 + "+" + "-" * 26 + "+" fmt = "{0:1s} {1:2s} {2:1s} {3:20s} {4:1s} {5:16s} {6:1s} {7:24s} {8:1s}" lines = [] lines.append(row) lines.append( fmt.format("|", "#", "|", "Property Name", "|", "Parameter", "|", "Value", "|") ) lines.append(row.replace("-", "=")) for i, item in enumerate(obj.models.keys()): prop = item if len(prop) > 20: prop = item[:17] + "..." temp = obj.models[item].copy() model = str(temp.pop("model")).split(" ")[1] lines.append( fmt.format("|", str(i + 1), "|", prop, "|", "model:", "|", model, "|") ) lines.append(row) if params: for param in temp.keys(): p1 = param if len(p1) > 16: p1 = p1[:13] + "..." p2 = str(temp[param]) if len(p2) > 24: p2 = p2[:21] + "..." lines.append(fmt.format("|", "", "|", "", "|", p1, "|", p2, "|")) lines.append(row) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def ignore_warnings(warning=RuntimeWarning): r""" Decorator for catching warnings. Useful in pore-scale models where nans are inevitable, and numpy gets annoying by throwing lots of RuntimeWarnings. Parameters ---------- warning : Warning Python warning type that you want to temporarily ignore Examples -------- >>> from openpnm.utils import ignore_warnings >>> @ignore_warnings() ... def myfun(x): ... return 1/x >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.arange(5) >>> myfun(x) array([ inf, 1. , 0.5 , 0.33333333, 0.25 ]) """ def _ignore_warning(function): @functools.wraps(function) def __ignore_warning(*args, **kwargs): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # Catch all warnings of this type warnings.simplefilter("always", warning) # Execute the function result = function(*args, **kwargs) return result return __ignore_warning return _ignore_warning
[docs] def is_symmetric(a, rtol=1e-10): r""" Is ``a`` a symmetric matrix? Parameters ---------- a : ndarray or sparse matrix Object to check for being a symmetric matrix. rtol : float Relative tolerance with respect to the smallest entry in ``a`` that is used to determine if ``a`` is symmetric. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if ``a`` is a symmetric matrix, ``False`` otherwise. """ if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and not sparse.issparse(a): raise Exception("'a' must be either a sparse matrix or an ndarray.") if a.shape[0] != a.shape[1]: raise Exception("'a' must be a square matrix.") atol = np.amin(np.absolute( * rtol if sparse.issparse(a): issym = False if ((a - a.T) > atol).nnz else True elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray): issym = False if np.any((a - a.T) > atol) else True return issym
[docs] def get_mixture_model_args( phase, composition='xs', args={ 'mus': 'pore.viscosity', 'MWs': 'param.molecular_weight', } ): r""" This is used in tests to run models generically """ from openpnm.models.phase.misc import mole_to_mass_fraction vals = {} if composition in ['ws']: temp = np.vstack(list(mole_to_mass_fraction(phase=phase).values()))[:, 0] vals[composition] = temp else: temp = np.vstack(list(phase['pore.mole_fraction'].values()))[:, 0] vals[composition] = temp for item in args.keys(): temp = np.vstack(list(phase.get_comp_vals(args[item]).values()))[:, 0] vals[item] = temp return vals
[docs] def dict_to_struct(d): r""" Converts a dictionary of numpy arrays to a numpy struct Parameters ---------- d : dict A dictionary wtih numpy arrays in each key. The arrays must be all the same size. Returns ------- s : numpy struct A numpy struct with the fields or names take from the dictionary keys """ struct = rf.unstructured_to_structured(np.vstack(list(d.values())).T, names=list(d.keys())) return struct
[docs] def struct_to_dict(s): r""" Converts a numpy struct array into a dictionary using the struct labels as keys Parameters ---------- s : numpy struct The struct array Returns ------- d : dict A dictionary with the struct labels or fields as the keys """ d = {} for key in s.dtype.names: d[key] = s[key] return d
[docs] def get_printable_props(item, suffix='', hr=78*'―'): r""" This function is used by the __str__ methods on all classes to get a nicely formatted list of properties on the object. Parameters ---------- item : dict The OpenPNM dictionary object with each dictionary key containing a numpy array suffix : str, optional If provided, this will be attached to the end of every dictionary key so that 'pore.viscosity' becomes 'pore.viscosity.phase_01'. This is a workaround to enhance the printing of component information on mixtures. hr : str, optional The horizontal rule to use between the table heading and body Returns ------- table : str A formatted string that will output a 78 character wide table when printed Notes ----- The table returned by this function only contains items that are numerical arrays. Any boolean arrays are ignored. See Also -------- get_printable_labels """ if suffix and not suffix.startswith('.'): suffix = '.' + suffix header = [' ']*78 header[2] = '#' header[5:15] = 'Properties' header[-12:] = 'Valid Values' lines = ''.join(header) + '\n' + hr i = 0 for k, v in item.items(): if (v.dtype != bool) and not ('._' in k): i += 1 s = [' ']*78 s[:3] = str(i+1).rjust(3) prop = k + suffix s[5:5+len(prop)] = prop element = k.split('.', 1)[0] nans = np.any(np.isnan(np.atleast_2d(v.T)), axis=0) valid = str(np.sum(~nans)) + ' / ' + str(item._count(element)) s[-20:] = valid.rjust(20) a = ''.join(s) lines = '\n'.join((lines, a)) return lines
[docs] def get_printable_labels(item, suffix='', hr=78*'―'): r""" This function is used by the __str__ methods on all classes to get a nicely formatted list of labels on the object. Parameters ---------- item : dict The OpenPNM dictionary object with each dictionary key containing a numpy array suffix : str, optional If provided, this will be attached to the end of every dictionary key so that 'pore.viscosity' becomes 'pore.viscosity.phase_01'. This is a workaround to enhance the printing of component information on mixtures. hr : str, optional The horizontal rule to use between the table heading and body Returns ------- table : str A formatted string that will output a 78 character wide table when printed Notes ----- The table returned by this function only contains items that boolean arrays. Any numerical arrays are ignored. See Also -------- get_printable_props """ if suffix and not suffix.startswith('.'): suffix = '.' + suffix header = [' ']*78 header[2] = '#' header[5:11] = 'Labels' header[-18:] = 'Assigned Locations' lines = ''.join(header) + '\n' + hr i = 0 for k, v in item.items(): if (v.dtype == bool) and not ('._' in k): i += 1 s = [' ']*78 s[:3] = str(i+1).rjust(3) prop = k + suffix s[5:5+len(prop)] = prop valid = str(np.sum(v)) s[-12:] = valid.rjust(12) a = ''.join(s) lines = '\n'.join((lines, a)) return lines
[docs] def is_transient(algorithms): # check that algorithms is a list if type(algorithms) is not list: algorithms = [algorithms] # return True if any algorithm is transient for alg in algorithms: if hasattr(alg, 'soln'): soln_type = type(alg.soln[alg.settings['quantity']]) if 'TransientSolution' in str(soln_type): return True return False
[docs] def is_valid_propname(propname): r""" Checks if ``propname`` is a valid OpenPNM propname, i.e. starts with 'pore.' or 'throat.' Parameters ---------- propname : str Property name to check whether it's a valid OpenPNM propname. Returns ------- bool Whether or not ``propname`` is a valid name """ if not isinstance(propname, str): return False temp = propname.split(".") if temp[0] not in ["pore", "throat"]: return False if len(temp) == 1: return False for field in temp: if len(field) == 0: return False return True
def nbr_to_str(nbr, t_precision=12): r""" Converts a scalar into a string in scientific (exponential) notation without the decimal point. Parameters ---------- nbr : scalar The number to be converted into a scalar. t_precision : integer The time precision (number of decimal places). Default value is 12. Returns ------- num : str The string represenation of the given number in scientific notation """ from decimal import Decimal as dc n = int(-dc(str(round(nbr, t_precision))).as_tuple().exponent * (round(nbr, t_precision) != int(nbr))) nbr_str = (str(int(round(nbr, t_precision)*10**n)) + ('e-'+str(n))*(n != 0)) return nbr_str