Source code for openpnm.models.phase.viscosity._funcs

import numpy as np
from openpnm.models.phase.mixtures import mixing_rule
from openpnm.models.phase import _phasedocs

__all__ = [

[docs] @_phasedocs def water_correlation( phase, T='pore.temperature', salinity='pore.salinity' ): r""" Calculates viscosity of pure water or seawater at atmospheric pressure. This correlation uses Eq. (22) given by Sharqawy et. al [1]. Values at temperature higher than the normal boiling temperature are calculated at the saturation pressure. Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(salinity)s Returns ------- mu : ndarray Array containing viscosity of water or seawater in [kg/m.s] or [Pa.s] Notes ----- T must be in K, and S in g of salt per kg of phase, or ppt (parts per thousand) VALIDITY: 273 < T < 453 K; 0 < S < 150 g/kg; ACCURACY: 1.5 percent References ---------- [1] Sharqawy M. H., Lienhard J. H., and Zubair, S. M., Desalination and Water Treatment, 2010. """ T = phase[T] if salinity in phase.keys(): S = phase[salinity] else: S = 0 TC = T-273.15 S = S/1000 a1 = 1.5700386464E-01 a2 = 6.4992620050E+01 a3 = -9.1296496657E+01 a4 = 4.2844324477E-05 mu_w = a4 + 1/(a1*(TC+a2)**2+a3) a5 = 1.5409136040E+00 a6 = 1.9981117208E-02 a7 = -9.5203865864E-05 a8 = 7.9739318223E+00 a9 = -7.5614568881E-02 a10 = 4.7237011074E-04 A = a5 + a6*T + a7*T**2 B = a8 + a9*T + a10*T**2 mu_sw = mu_w*(1 + A*S + B*S**2) value = mu_sw return value
@_phasedocs def air_correlation( phase, T='pore.temperature', n_V='pore.molar_density', ): r""" Calculates the viscosity of air at given conditions This model uses the correlation from [1]. Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(n_V)s Returns ------- References ---------- [1] I forget """ raise Exception("This function does not work yet") # Get props from object T = phase[T] rho = phase[n_V] # Declare given constants MW = 28.9586 # g/mol Tc = 132.6312 # K rho_c = 10447.7 # mol/m3 sigma = 0.36 # nm e_k = 103.3 # K # Compute a few definitions delta = rho/rho_c T_star = T/e_k tau = np.atleast_2d(Tc/T) # Declare the summation variables ind = np.atleast_2d([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).T N_i = np.atleast_2d([10.72, 1.122, 0.002019, -8.878, -0.02916]).T t_i = np.atleast_2d([0.2, 0.05, 2.4, 0.6, 3.6]).T d_i = np.atleast_2d([1, 4, 9, 1, 8]).T b_i = np.atleast_2d([0.431, -0.4623, 0.08406, 0.005341, -0.00331]).T gamma_i = np.atleast_2d([0, 0, 0, 1, 1]).T # Start crunching numbers omega = np.exp(np.sum(b_i*(np.atleast_2d(np.log(T_star))**(ind)), axis=0)) mu_o = 0.9266958*(MW*T)**0.5/((sigma**2) * omega) temp = N_i * (tau**t_i) * (delta**d_i) * np.exp(-gamma_i*(delta**gamma_i)) mu_t = np.sum(temp, axis=0) mu = mu_o + mu_t return mu
[docs] @_phasedocs def gas_pure_st( phase, T='pore.temperature', Tc='param.critical_temperature', Pc='param.critical_pressure', MW='param.molecular_weight', ): r""" Calculates the viscosity of a pure gas using the correlation in [1] Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(Tc)s %(Pc)s %(MW)s Returns ------- References ---------- [1] Stiel and Thodos """ # stiel-thodos T = phase[T] Tc = phase[Tc] Pc = phase[Pc]/101325 MW = phase[MW] mu = np.zeros_like(T) Tr = T/Tc zeta = Tc**(1/6)/((MW**0.5)*(Pc**(2/3))) mu_hi = (17.78e-5*(4.58*Tr - 1.67)**0.625)/zeta mu_lo = (34e-5*Tr**0.94)/zeta mask = Tr > 1.5 mu[mask] = mu_hi[mask] mu[~mask] = mu_lo[~mask] return mu/1000
[docs] @_phasedocs def gas_pure_gesmr( phase, T='pore.temperature', Tc='param.critical_temperature', Pc='param.critical_pressure', MW='param.molecular_weight', ): r""" Calculates the viscosity of a pure gas using the correlation [1] Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(Tc)s %(Pc)s %(MW)s Returns ------- References ---------- [1] Gharagheizi et al """ T = phase[T] MW = phase[MW] Pc = phase[Pc] Tc = phase[Tc] Tr = T/Tc mu = (1e-5)*Pc*Tr + (0.091 - 0.477/MW)*T + \ MW*((1e-5)*Pc - 8.0*(MW**2)/(T**2))*(10.7639/Tc - 4.1929/T) mu = mu*1e-7 mu = np.clip(mu, a_min=1e-7, a_max=np.inf) return mu
[docs] @_phasedocs def gas_mixture_hz( phase, mus='pore.viscosity.*', MWs='param.molecular_weight.*', ): r""" Computes the viscosity of a gas mixture using the correlation in [1] Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(mus)s %(MWs)s Returns ------- mu : ndarray An ndarray of Np length containing the viscosity of the mixture in each pore References ---------- [1] Herning and Zipperer """ MWs = phase.get_comp_vals(MWs) mus = phase.get_comp_vals(mus) xs = phase['pore.mole_fraction'] num = 0.0 denom = 0.0 for k in xs.keys(): num += xs[k]*mus[k]*MWs[k]**0.5 denom += xs[k]*MWs[k]**0.5 mu = num/denom return mu
[docs] @_phasedocs def liquid_pure_ls( phase, T='pore.temperature', MW='param.molecular_weight', Tc='param.critical_temperature', Pc='param.critical_pressure', omega='param.acentric_factor', ): r""" Computes the viscosity of a pure liquid using the correlation in [1] Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(MW)s %(Tc)s %(Pc)s %(omega)s Returns ------- mu : ndarray An ndarray of Np length containing the viscosity of the mixture in each pore References ---------- [1] Letsou and Stiel """ T = phase[T] MW = phase[MW] Tc = phase[Tc] Pc = phase[Pc] omega = phase[omega] Tr = T/Tc zeta = 2173.424 * (Tc**(1/6))/((MW**(0.5))*(Pc**(2/3))) zeta0 = (1.5174 - 2.135*Tr + 0.75*(Tr**2))*1e-5 zeta1 = (4.2552 - 7.674*Tr + 3.4*(Tr**2))*1e-5 mu = (zeta0 + omega*zeta1)/zeta return mu
[docs] def liquid_mixture_xweighted( phase, prop='pore.viscosity.*', mode='logarithmic', power=1, ): return mixing_rule(phase=phase, prop=prop, mode=mode, power=power)
liquid_mixture_xweighted.__doc__ = mixing_rule.__doc__