Source code for openpnm.models.phase.surface_tension._funcs

import numpy as np

from openpnm.models.phase import _phasedocs

__all__ = [

[docs] @_phasedocs def water_correlation( phase, T='pore.temperature', salinity='pore.salinity' ): r""" Calculates surface tension of pure water or seawater at atmospheric pressure This model uses Eq. (28) given by Sharqawy et al. [1]. Values at temperature higher than the normal boiling temperature are calculated at the saturation pressure. Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(salinity)s Returns ------- value : ndarray A numpy ndarray containing surface tension of seawater in [N/m] Notes ----- T must be in K, and S in g of salt per kg of phase, or ppt (parts per thousand). The correlation is valid for 273 < T < 313 K and 0 < S < 40 g/kg within 0.2 percent accuracy. References ---------- [1] Sharqawy M. H., Lienhard J. H., and Zubair, S. M., Desalination and Water Treatment, 2010. """ T = phase[T] if salinity in phase.keys(): S = phase[salinity] else: S = 0 sigma_w = 0.2358*((1-(T/647.096))**1.256)*(1-0.625*(1-(T/647.096))) a1 = 2.2637334337E-04 a2 = 9.4579521377E-03 a3 = 3.3104954843E-02 TC = T-273.15 sigma_sw = sigma_w*(1+(a1*TC+a2)*np.log(1+a3*S)) value = sigma_sw return value
[docs] @_phasedocs def liquid_pure_bb( phase, T='pore.temperature', Tc='param.critical_temperature', Tb='param.boiling_temperature', Pc='param.critical_pressure', ): r""" Computes the surface tension of a pure liquid in its own vapor using the correlation in [1] Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(T)s %(Tc)s %(Tb)s %(Pc)s Returns ------- value : ndarray A numpy ndarray containing surface tension values scaled to the temperature [N/m] References ---------- [1] Brock and Bird """ T = phase[T] Tc = phase[Tc] Tr = T/Tc Tb = phase[Tb] Tbr = Tb/Tc Pc = phase[Pc]/100000 Q = 0.1196*(1 + Tbr*np.log(Pc/1.01325)/(1-Tbr))-0.279 sigma = 1e-3 * Q * (Pc**(2/3)) * (Tc**(1/3)) * ((1-Tr)**(11/9)) return sigma
[docs] @_phasedocs def liquid_mixture_wsd( phase, sigmas='pore.surface_tension.*', rhos='pore.density.*', MWs='param.molecular_weight.*', ): r""" Computes the surface tension of a liqiud mixture with its own vapor using the correlation in [1] Parameters ---------- %(phase)s %(rhos)s %(MWs)s %(sigmas)s Returns ------- sigma : ndarray A numpy ndarray containing surface tension values References ---------- [1] Winterfeld, Scriven, and Davis """ sigmas = phase.get_comp_vals(sigmas) xs = phase['pore.mole_fraction'] rhos = phase.get_comp_vals(rhos) # kg/m3 MWs = phase.get_comp_vals(MWs) # g/mol rhoms = {k: rhos[k]/(MWs[k]/1000) for k in xs.keys()} # mol/m3 rhom_mix = np.vstack([rhoms[k]*xs[k] for k in xs.keys()]).sum(axis=0) sigma = 0.0 for i, ki in enumerate(xs.keys()): for j, kj in enumerate(xs.keys()): num = xs[ki]*xs[kj]*(rhom_mix**2)*(sigmas[ki]*sigmas[kj])**0.5 denom = rhoms[ki]*rhoms[kj] sigma += num/denom return sigma