Source code for openpnm.topotools._perctools

import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sprs
from scipy.sparse import csgraph
from openpnm.utils import PrintableDict, Workspace
from openpnm._skgraph import simulations
from openpnm._skgraph import queries
from collections import namedtuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ws = Workspace()
__all__ = [

[docs] def find_path(network, pore_pairs, weights=None): return queries.find_path(network=network, pairs=pore_pairs, weights=weights)
find_path.__doc__ = queries.find_path.__doc__
[docs] def ispercolating(network, inlets, outlets): if np.array(inlets).dtype == bool: inlets = np.where(inlets)[0] if np.array(outlets).dtype == bool: outlets = np.where(outlets)[0] flag = simulations.ispercolating( conns=network.conns, occupied=np.ones(network.Nt, dtype=bool), inlets=inlets, outlets=outlets ) return flag
ispercolating.__doc__ = simulations.ispercolating.__doc__
[docs] def site_percolation(network, occupied_sites): return simulations.site_percolation(network.conns, occupied_sites)
site_percolation.__doc__ = simulations.site_percolation.__doc__
[docs] def bond_percolation(network, occupied_bonds): return simulations.bond_percolation(network.conns, occupied_bonds)
bond_percolation.__doc__ = simulations.bond_percolation.__doc__
[docs] def trim_disconnected_clusters(**kwargs): return simulations.trim_disconnected_clusters(**kwargs)
trim_disconnected_clusters.__doc__ = \ simulations.trim_disconnected_clusters.__doc__
[docs] def find_isolated_clusters(network, mask, inlets): r""" Identifies pores and throats that are invaded but not connected to the inlets Parameters ---------- network : dict The OpenPNM Network mask : ndarray A boolean mask of either Nt or Np length with ``True`` values indicating invaded bonds or sites. If this array is Nt-long then then bond percolation is used to identify clusters, whereas site percolation is used if it is Np-long. inlets : ndarray A array containing indices of the pores which define the inlets. Any clusters not connected to these sites are considered isolated. Returns ------- sites : ndarray An ndarray containing the indices of invaded pores which are not connected to the given ``inlets``. """ labels = find_clusters(network=network, mask=mask) isolated = np.in1d(labels.pore_labels, labels.pore_labels[inlets], invert=True) isolated = np.where(isolated)[0] return isolated
[docs] def find_clusters(network, mask=[]): r""" Identify connected clusters of pores and throats in the network. Either site and bond percolation can be considered, see description of ``mask`` argument for details. Parameters ---------- network : Network The network mask : array_like, boolean A list of open bonds or sites (throats or pores). If the mask is Np-long, then the method will perform a site percolation to identify clusters, and if the mask is Nt-long bond percolation will be performed. Returns ------- p_labels, t_labels : tuple of ndarrays A tuple containing an Np-long array of pore cluster labels, and an Nt-long array of throat cluster labels. The label numbers correspond such that pores and throats with the same label are part of the same cluster. Uninvaded locations are set to -1. """ # Parse the input arguments mask = np.array(mask, ndmin=1) if mask.dtype != bool: raise Exception('Mask must be a boolean array of Np or Nt length') # If pore mask was given perform site percolation if np.size(mask) == network.Np: (p_clusters, t_clusters) = \ simulations.site_percolation(network.conns, mask) # If pore mask was given perform bond percolation elif np.size(mask) == network.Nt: (p_clusters, t_clusters) = \ simulations.bond_percolation(network.conns, mask) else: raise Exception('Mask received was neither Nt nor Np long') result = namedtuple('result', ('pore_labels', 'throat_labels')) result.pore_labels = p_clusters result.throat_labels = t_clusters return result