Source code for openpnm.solvers._petsc

import logging
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.sparse
from openpnm.solvers import IterativeSolver
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    import petsc4py
    # Next line must be before importing PETSc
    from petsc4py import PETSc
except ModuleNotFoundError:

__all__ = ['PETScLinearSolver']

[docs] class PETScLinearSolver(IterativeSolver): r""" Solves the sparse linear system Ax = b using petsc solvers. Notes ----- Parallel computing is supported and matrix partitioning over the available cores is automatically handled by running: .. code:: $ mpirun -np num_cores python where ``num_cores`` must be substituted with the number of cores. """ def _create_solver(self): r""" This method creates the petsc sparse linear solver. """ # iterative = [ 'richardson', 'chebyshev', 'cg', 'groppcg', 'pipecg', 'pipecgrr', 'cgne', 'nash', 'stcg', 'gltr', 'fcg', 'pipefcg', 'gmres', 'pipefgmres', 'fgmres', 'lgmres', 'dgmres', 'pgmres', 'tcqmr', 'bcgs', 'ibcgs', 'fbcgs', 'fbcgsr', 'bcgsl', 'pipebcgs', 'cgs', 'tfqmr', 'cr', 'pipecr', 'lsqr', 'preonly', 'qcg', 'bicg', 'minres', 'symmlq', 'lcd', 'python', 'gcr', 'pipegcr', 'tsirm', 'cgls', 'fetidp'] # preconditioners = [ 'none', 'jacobi', 'sor', 'lu', 'shell', 'bjacobi', 'mg', 'eisenstat', 'ilu', 'icc', 'asm', 'gasm', 'ksp', 'composite', 'redundant', 'spai', 'nn', 'cholesky', 'pbjacobi', 'mat', 'hypre', 'parms', 'fieldsplit', 'tfs', 'ml', 'galerkin', 'exotic', 'cp', 'bfbt', 'lsc', 'python', 'pfmg', 'syspfmg', 'redistribute', 'svd', 'gamg', 'sacusp', 'sacusppoly', 'bicgstabcusp', 'ainvcusp', 'chowiluviennacl', 'rowscalingviennacl', 'saviennacl', 'bddc', 'kaczmarz', 'telescope'] direct_lu = ['mumps', 'superlu_dist', 'umfpack', 'klu'] direct_cholesky = ['mumps', 'cholmod'] valid_solvers = iterative + direct_lu + direct_cholesky solver = self.solver_type preconditioner = self.preconditioner if solver not in valid_solvers: raise Exception(f"{solver} solver not availabe, choose another solver") if preconditioner not in preconditioners: raise Exception(f"{preconditioner} not found, choose another preconditioner") self.ksp = PETSc.KSP() self.ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) if solver in direct_lu: self.ksp.getPC().setType('lu') self.ksp.getPC().setFactorSolverType(solver) self.ksp.setType('preonly') elif solver in direct_cholesky: self.ksp.getPC().setType('cholesky') self.ksp.getPC().setFactorSolverType(solver) self.ksp.setType('preonly') elif solver in preconditioners: self.ksp.getPC().setType(solver) self.ksp.setType('preonly') elif solver in iterative: self.ksp.getPC().setType(preconditioner) self.ksp.setType(solver) def _set_tolerances(self, atol=None, rtol=None, maxiter=None): r""" Set absolute and relative tolerances, and maximum number of iterations. """ atol = self.atol if atol is None else atol rtol = self.rtol if rtol is None else rtol maxiter = self.maxiter if maxiter is None else maxiter # BUG: PETSc misses rtol requirement by ~10-20X -> Report to petsc4py self.ksp.setTolerances(atol=None, rtol=rtol/50, max_it=maxiter) def _assemble_A(self): r""" This method creates the petsc sparse coefficients matrix from the OpenPNM scipy one. The method also equally decomposes the matrix at certain rows into different blocks (each block contains all the columns) and distributes them over the pre-assigned cores for parallel computing. The method can be used in serial. """ # Create a petsc sparse matrix self.petsc_A = PETSc.Mat() self.petsc_A.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) self.petsc_A.setSizes([self.m, self.n]) self.petsc_A.setType('aij') # sparse self.petsc_A.setUp() # Loop over owned block of rows on this processor # and insert entry values (for parallel computing). self.Istart, self.Iend = self.petsc_A.getOwnershipRange() # Assign values to the coefficients matrix from the scipy sparse csr size_tmp = self.A.shape # Row indices csr1 = self.A.indptr[self.Istart:self.Iend+1] - self.A.indptr[self.Istart] ind1 = self.A.indptr[self.Istart] ind2 = self.A.indptr[self.Iend] csr2 = self.A.indices[ind1:ind2] # column indices csr3 =[ind1:ind2] # data self.petsc_A = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=size_tmp, csr=(csr1, csr2, csr3)) # Communicate off-processor values and setup internal data structures # for performing parallel operations self.petsc_A.assemblyBegin() self.petsc_A.assemblyEnd() def _assemble_b_and_x(self): r""" Initialize the solution vector (self.petsc_x), which is a dense matrix (1D vector) and defines the rhs vector (self.petsc_b) from the existing data. """ # Get vector(s) compatible with the matrix (same parallel layout) # passing same communicator as the A matrix # Global solution vector (all the local solutions will return to it) self.petsc_s = PETSc.Vec() self.petsc_s.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) self.petsc_s.setSizes(self.m) self.petsc_s.setFromOptions() self.Istart, self.Iend = self.petsc_s.getOwnershipRange() self.petsc_x = (self.petsc_s).duplicate() self.petsc_b = (self.petsc_s).duplicate() # Set the solution vector to zeros or the given initial guess (if any) PETSc.Vec.setArray(self.petsc_x, self.x0[self.Istart: self.Iend]) # Define the petsc rhs vector from the numpy one PETSc.Vec.setArray(self.petsc_b, self.b[self.Istart: self.Iend])
[docs] def solve(self, A, b, x0=None, solver_type='cg', precondioner='jacobi', maxiter=None, atol=None, rtol=None): r""" Solves and returns the solution to the linear system, Ax = b. This method converts the solution vector from a PETSc.Vec instance to a numpy array, and finally destroys all the PETSc objects to free memory. Parameters ---------- A : csr_matrix Coefficients matrix in Ax = b b : ndarray Right-hand-side vector in Ax = b solver_type : str, optional Default is the iterative solver 'cg' based on the Conjugate Gradient method. preconditioner: str, optional Default is the 'jacobi' preconditioner, i.e., diagonal scaling preconditioning. The preconditioner is used with iterative solvers. When a direct solver is used, this parameter is ignored. factorization_type : str, optional The factorization type used with the direct solver. Default is 'lu'. This parameter is ignored when an iterative solver is used. Returns ------- ndarray The solution to Ax = b Notes ----- Certain combinations of iterative solvers and precondioners or direct solvers and factorization types are not supported. The summary table of the different possibilities can be found `here <>`_ """ self.b = b self.A = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(A) self.m, self.n = self.A.shape self.x0 = np.zeros_like(self.b) if x0 is None else x0 self.solver_type = solver_type self.preconditioner = precondioner self.atol = self._get_atol(self.b) self.rtol = self._get_rtol(self.x0) self._assemble_b_and_x() self._assemble_A() self._create_solver() self._set_tolerances(atol=atol, rtol=rtol, maxiter=maxiter) self.ksp.setOperators(self.petsc_A) self.ksp.setFromOptions() # Solve the linear system self.ksp.solve(self.petsc_b, self.petsc_x) # Gather the solution to all processors gather_to_0, self.petsc_s = PETSc.Scatter().toAll(self.petsc_x) gather_to_0.scatter(self.petsc_x, self.petsc_s, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD) # Convert solution vector from PETSc.Vec instance to a numpy array self.solution = PETSc.Vec.getArray(self.petsc_s) # Destroy petsc solver, coefficients matrix, rhs, and solution vectors PETSc.KSP.destroy(self.ksp) PETSc.Mat.destroy(self.petsc_A) PETSc.Vec.destroy(self.petsc_b) PETSc.Vec.destroy(self.petsc_x) PETSc.Vec.destroy(self.petsc_s) # FIXME: fetch exit_code somehow from petsc exit_code = 0 return self.solution, exit_code