Source code for
Health Checks
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = [
def cluster_number(network):
Assign a cluster number to each pore
from scipy.sparse import csgraph as csg
am = network.create_adjacency_matrix(fmt='coo', triu=True)
N, Cs = csg.connected_components(am, directed=False)
return Cs
def cluster_size(network, cluster=None):
Find the size of the cluster to which each pore belongs
network : dict
The Network
cluster : str, optional
Dict key pointing to the array containing the cluster number of each
pore. If not provided then it will be calculated.
cluster_size : ndarray
An Np-long array containing the size of the cluster to which each pore
if cluster is None:
from scipy.sparse import csgraph as csg
am = network.create_adjacency_matrix(fmt='coo', triu=True)
N, cluster_num = csg.connected_components(am, directed=False)
cluster_num = network[cluster]
Cs, ind, N = np.unique(cluster_num, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
values = N[ind]
return values
def isolated_pores(network):
Find which pores, if any, are not connected to a throat
values = np.ones(network.Np, dtype=bool)
hits = np.unique(network.conns)
if np.any(hits >= network.Np):
logger.warning("Some throats point to non-existent pores")
hits = hits[hits < network.Np]
values[hits] = False
return values
def reversed_throats(network):
Find any throat connections that are pointing from j -> i where j > i
hits = network.conns[:, 0] > network.conns[:, 1]
return hits
def looped_throats(network):
Find any throats that are connected to the same pore on both ends
hits = network.conns[:, 0] == network.conns[:, 1]
return hits
def headless_throats(network):
Find any throats that point to a non-existent pore
hits = np.any(network.conns > (network.Np - 1), axis=1)
return hits
def duplicate_throats(network):
Find repeat occurrences of throat connections
return pd.DataFrame(network.conns).duplicated().to_numpy()
def count_coincident_pores(network, thresh=1e-6):
Count number of pores that are spatially coincident with other pores
network : dict
The Network
thresh : float
The distance below which two pores are considered spatially coincident
count : ndarray
A numpy array of Np length containing the number of coincident pores
# This needs to be a bit complicated because it cannot be assumed
# the coincident pores are topologically connected
import scipy.spatial as sptl
coords = network.coords
tree = sptl.KDTree(coords)
hits = tree.query_pairs(r=thresh)
arr = np.array(list(hits)).flatten()
v, n = np.unique(arr, return_counts=True)
values = np.zeros(network.Np, dtype=int)
values[v.astype(int)] = n
return values
def find_coincident_pores(network, thresh=1e-6):
Find the indices of coincident pores
network : dict
The Network
thresh : float
The distance below which two pores are considered spatially coincident
indices : list of lists
One row corresponding to each pore, with each row listing the indices
of any coincident pores. An empty list means no pores were found
within a distance of ``thresh``.
# This needs to be a bit complicated because it cannot be assumed
# the coincident pores are topologically connected
import scipy.spatial as sptl
coords = network['pore.coords']
tree = sptl.KDTree(coords)
a = tree.sparse_distance_matrix(tree, max_distance=thresh,
output_type='coo_matrix') += 1.0
a.eliminate_zeros() -= 1.0
a = a.tolil()
return a.rows
def bidirectional_throats(network):
biTs = network['throat.conns'][:, 0] > network['throat.conns'][:, 1]
return biTs