Source code for

import logging
from import project_to_dict, _parse_filename
import pandas as pd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def project_to_hdf5(project, filename=''): r""" Creates an HDF5 file containing data from the specified objects Parameters ---------- network : Network The network containing the desired data phases : list[Phase]s (optional, default is none) A list of phase objects whose data are to be included Returns ------- f : hdf5 file handle A handle to an hdf5 file. This must be closed when done (i.e. ``f.close()``. """ from h5py import File as hdfFile if filename == '': filename = filename = _parse_filename(filename, ext='hdf') dct = project_to_dict(project=project) d = pd.json_normalize(dct, sep='.').to_dict(orient='records')[0] for k in list(d.keys()): d[k.replace('.', '/')] = d.pop(k) f = hdfFile(filename, "w") for item in list(d.keys()): tempname = '_'.join(item.split('.')) arr = d[item] if d[item].dtype == 'O': logger.warning(item + ' has dtype object, will not write to file') del d[item] elif 'U' in str(arr[0].dtype): pass else: f.create_dataset(name='/'+tempname, shape=arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype, data=arr) return f