Source code for openpnm.phase._mixture

import logging

import numpy as np

from openpnm.models.collections.phase import (
from openpnm.models.phase.mixtures import mole_summation
from openpnm.phase import Phase
from openpnm.utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
docstr = Docorator()
ws = Workspace()

__all__ = [

class MixtureSettings:

[docs] @docstr.get_sections(base='Mixture', sections=['Parameters']) @docstr.dedent class Mixture(Phase): r""" Creates ``Phase`` object that represents a multicomponent mixture consisting of a given list of individual ``Species`` objects as components. Parameters ---------- %(Phase.parameters)s components : list of ``Species`` objects A list of all components that constitute the mixture """ def __init__(self, components=[], name='mixture_?', **kwargs): self._components = [] super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.settings._update(MixtureSettings()) # Add any supplied phases to the list components self.components = components def __getitem__(self, key): try: vals = super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: # If key ends in component name, fetch it directly if key.split('.')[-1] in self.components.keys(): comp = self.project[key.split('.')[-1]] vals = comp[key.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)[0]] elif key[-1] in ['*', '.']: # Fetch values for ALL components key = key[:-1] while key.endswith('.'): # If ended with .* also remove . key = key[:-1] vals = self.get_comp_vals(key) else: raise KeyError(key) return vals
[docs] def regenerate_models(self, **kwargs): for c in self.components.values(): c.regenerate_models(**kwargs) super().regenerate_models(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_comp_vals(self, propname): r""" Get a dictionary of the requested values from each component in the mixture Parameters ---------- propname : str The property to fetch, such as ``'pore.viscosity'``. Returns ------- vals : dict A dictionary with each component name as the key and the requested property as the value. """ if not isinstance(propname, str): return propname if propname.endswith('*'): try: return self[propname] except KeyError: pass try: vals = {} for comp in self.components.values(): vals[] = comp[propname] return vals except KeyError: msg = f'{propname} not found on at least one component' raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def get_mix_vals(self, propname, mode='linear', power=1): r""" Get the mole fraction weighted value of a given property for the mixture Parameters ---------- propname : str The property to fetch, such as ``'pore.viscosity'``. mode : str The type of weighting to use. Options are: ============== ==================================================== mode ============== ==================================================== 'linear' (default) Basic mole fraction weighting of the form: :math:`z = \Sigma (x_i \cdot \z_i)` 'logarithmic' Uses the natural logarithm of the property as: :math:`ln(z) = \Sigma (x_i \cdot ln(\z_i))` 'power Applies an exponent to the property as: :math:`\z^{power} = \Sigma (x_i \cdot \z_i^{power})` ============== ==================================================== power : scalar If ``mode='power'`` this indicates the value of the exponent, otherwise this is ignored. Returns ------- vals : ndarray An ndarray with the requested values obtained using the specified weigthing. """ Xs = self['pore.mole_fraction'] ys = self.get_comp_vals(propname) if mode == 'linear': z = np.vstack([Xs[k]*ys[k] for k in Xs.keys()]).sum(axis=0) elif mode == 'logarithmic': z = np.vstack([Xs[k]*np.log(ys[k]) for k in Xs.keys()]).sum(axis=0) z = np.exp(z) elif mode == 'power': z = np.vstack([Xs[k]*(ys[k])**power for k in Xs.keys()]).sum(axis=0) z = z**(1/power) return z
@property def info(self): # pragma: no cover hr = '―' * 78 lines = '\n' + 'Component Phases' for item in self.components.values(): lines += '\n' + "═"*78 + '\n' + item.__repr__() + '\n' + hr + '\n' lines += get_printable_props(item, lines += '\n' + hr + '\n' lines += get_printable_labels(item, temp = super().__str__().split(hr) temp.insert(-1, lines + '\n') lines = hr.join(temp) print(lines) def _get_comps(self): comps = {} for k in self.keys(): if k.startswith('pore.mole_fraction'): name = k.split('.')[-1] comps[name] = self.project[name] return comps def _set_comps(self, components): if not isinstance(components, list): components = [components] # Add mole_fraction array to dict, filled with nans for item in components: if 'pore.mole_fraction.' + not in self.keys(): self['pore.mole_fraction.' +] = np.nan components = property(fget=_get_comps, fset=_set_comps)
[docs] def add_comp(self, component, mole_fraction=np.nan): r""" Helper method to add a component Parameters ---------- component : Species object The pure ``Species`` object to add mole_fraction : float or array_like The mole fraction of the given component in each pore. Can either be a scalar which is applied to every pore, or an Np-long ``ndarray`` with values for each pore. Notes ----- This method just adds `'pore.mole_fraction.<>'` to the `Mixture` dictionary, and assigns the given `mole_fraction`. """ self['pore.mole_fraction.' +] = mole_fraction
[docs] def remove_comp(self, component): r""" Helper method to remove a component from the mixture Parameters ---------- component : Species object or str name The `Species` to remove from the mixture. Can either be a handle to the object, or the object's `name`. Notes ----- This method just calls `del mixture['pore.mole_fraction.<>']` to remove the given component. """ if hasattr(component, 'name'): component = try: del self['pore.mole_fraction.' + component] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def check_mixture_health(self): r""" Checks the state of health of the mixture Calculates the mole fraction of all species in each pore and returns an list of where values are too low or too high, Returns ------- health : dict A HealthDict object containing lists of locations where the mole fractions are not unity. One value indicates locations that are too high, and another where they are too low. This `dict` evaluates to `True` if all items are healthy. """ h = HealthDict() h['mole_fraction_too_low'] = [] h['mole_fraction_too_high'] = [] conc = mole_summation(phase=self) lo = np.where(conc < 1.0)[0] hi = np.where(conc > 1.0)[0] if len(lo) > 0: h['mole_fraction_too_low'] = lo if len(hi) > 0: h['mole_fraction_too_high'] = hi return h
[docs] class LiquidMixture(Mixture): r""" Wrapper class for creating a liquid mixture. This class has a helper method `x` which allows for setting and getting of compositions. """
[docs] def x(self, compname=None, x=None): r""" Helper method for getting and setting mole fractions of a component Parameters ---------- compname : str, optional The name of the component, i.e. ````. If ``x`` is not provided this will *return* the mole fraction of the requested component. If ``x`` is provided this will *set* the mole fraction of the specified component to ``x``. x : scalar or ndarray, optional The mole fraction of the given species in the mixture. If not provided this method works as a *getter* and will return the mole fraction of the requested component. If ``compname`` is not provided then the mole fractions of all components will be returned as a dictionary with the components names as keys. Notes ----- This method is equivalent to ``mixture['pore.mole_fraction.<compname>'] = x`` """ if hasattr(compname, 'name'): compname = if x is None: if compname is None: return self['pore.mole_fraction'] else: self['pore.mole_fraction' + '.' + compname] else: self['pore.mole_fraction.' + compname] = x
[docs] class GasMixture(Mixture): r""" Wrapper class for creating a gas mixture. This class has a helper method `y` which allows for setting and getting of compositions. """
[docs] def y(self, compname=None, y=None): r""" Helper method for getting and setting mole fractions of a component Parameters ---------- compname : str, optional The name of the component i.e. ````. If ``y`` is not provided this will *return* the mole fraction of the requested component. If ``y`` is provided this will *set* the mole fraction of the specified component to ``y``. y : scalar or ndarray, optional The mole fraction of the given species in the mixture. If not provided this method works as a *getter* and will return the mole fraction of the requested component. If ``compname`` is also not provided then the mole fractions of all components will be returned as a dictionary with the components names as keys. Notes ----- This method is equivalent to ``mixture['pore.mole_fraction.<compname>'] = y`` """ if hasattr(compname, 'name'): compname = if y is None: if compname is None: return self['pore.mole_fraction'] else: return self['pore.mole_fraction' + '.' + compname] else: self['pore.mole_fraction.' + compname] = y
[docs] class BinaryGas(GasMixture): r""" A ``GasMixture`` class that has a predefined set of models for computing the properties of the mixture as a function of composition. The number of components is capped at 2 (i.e. binary) since the calculation of diffusion coefficients using the Lennard-Jones method in the `chemicals` package only works for binary mixtures. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_model_collection(binary_gas_mixture) # Running models doesn't make sense as compositions are not set yet # self.regenerate_models() def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('pore.mole_fraction'): if key not in self.keys(): try: d = self['pore.mole_fraction'].keys() if len(d) >= 2: msg = "Binary mixtures cannot have more than" \ " 2 components, remove one first" raise Exception(msg) except KeyError: pass super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] class StandardLiquidMixture(LiquidMixture): r""" A ``LiquidMixture`` class that also has a predefined suite of models for computing the properties of the mixture as a function of composition. The models are taken from the `chemicals` package and can be viewed with ``print(liq_mix.models)``, where `liq_mix` is an instance of this class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_model_collection(standard_liquid_mixture)
# Running models doesn't make sense as compositions are not set yet # self.regenerate_models()
[docs] class StandardGasMixture(GasMixture): r""" A ``GasMixture`` class that also has a predefined suite of models for computing the properties of the mixture as a function of composition. The models are taken from the `chemicals` package and can be viewed with ``print(gas_mix.models)``, where `gas_mix` is an instance of this class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_model_collection(standard_gas_mixture)
# Running models doesn't make sense as compositions are not set yet # self.regenerate_models()