import numpy as _np
import scipy as _sp
from openpnm.models import _doctxt
__all__ = [
def standard_kinetics(phase, X, prefactor, exponent):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of ``X``:
.. math::
r = A X^b
X : str
%(dict_blurb)s quantity of interest
prefactor : str
%(dict_blurb)s the prefactor to be used in the source term model
exponent : str
%(dict_blurb)s the exponent to be used in the source term model
rate_info : dict
A dictionary containing the following three items:
======= ==============================================================
Item Description
======= ==============================================================
rate The value of the source term function at the given X.
S1 The slope of the source term function at the given X.
S2 The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
======= ==============================================================
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
X = phase[X]
A = phase[prefactor]
b = phase[exponent]
r = A*(X**b)
S1 = A*b*(X**(b - 1))
S2 = A*(1 - b)*(X**b)
values = {'S1': S1, 'S2': S2, 'rate': r}
return values
def linear(phase, X, A1=0.0, A2=0.0):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of ``X``:
.. math::
r = A_{1} X + A_{2}
X : str
The dictionary key on the phase object containing the the quantity
of interest
A1 -> A2 : str
The dictionary keys on the phase object containing the coefficients
values to be used in the source term model
A dictionary containing the following three items:
The value of the source term function at the given X.
The slope of the source term function at the given X.
The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
r = phase[A1] * phase[X] + phase[A2]
S1 = phase[A1]
S2 = phase[A2]
values = {'S1': S1, 'S2': S2, 'rate': r}
return values
def power_law(phase, X, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, A3=0.0):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of *X*:
.. math::
r = A_{1} x^{A_{2}} + A_{3}
X : str
The dictionary key on the phase object containing the the quantity
of interest
A1 -> A3 : str
The dictionary keys on the phase object containing the coefficients
values to be used in the source term model
A dictionary containing the following three items:
The value of the source term function at the given X.
The slope of the source term function at the given X.
The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
A = phase[A1]
B = phase[A2]
C = phase[A3]
X = phase[X]
r = A * X ** B + C
S1 = A * B * X ** (B - 1)
S2 = A * X ** B * (1 - B) + C
values = {'S1': S1, 'S2': S2, 'rate': r}
return values
def exponential(phase, X, A1=0.0, A2=1.0, A3=1.0, A4=1.0, A5=0.0, A6=0.0):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of `X`:
.. math::
r = A_{1} A_{2}^{( A_{3} x^{ A_{4} } + A_{5})} + A_{6}
X : str
The dictionary key on the phase object containing the the quantity
of interest
A1 -> A6 : str
The dictionary keys on the phase object containing the coefficients
values to be used in the source term model
A dictionary containing the following three items:
The value of the source term function at the given X.
The slope of the source term function at the given X.
The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
A = phase[A1]
B = phase[A2]
C = phase[A3]
D = phase[A4]
E = phase[A5]
F = phase[A6]
X = phase[X]
r = A * B ** (C * X ** D + E) + F
S1 = A * C * D * X ** (D - 1) * _np.log(B) * B ** (C * X ** D + E)
S2 = A * B ** (C * X ** D + E) * (1 - C * D * _np.log(B) * X ** D) + F
values = {'S1': S1, 'S2': S2, 'rate': r}
return values
def natural_exponential(phase, X, A1=0.0, A2=0.0, A3=0.0, A4=0.0, A5=0.0):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of `X`:
.. math::
r = A_{1} exp( A_{2} x^{ A_{3} } + A_{4} )+ A_{5}
X : str
The dictionary key on the phase object containing the the quantity
of interest
A1 -> A5 : str
The dictionary keys on the phase object containing the coefficients
values to be used in the source term model
A dictionary containing the following three items:
The value of the source term function at the given X.
The slope of the source term function at the given X.
The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
A = phase[A1]
B = phase[A2]
C = phase[A3]
D = phase[A4]
E = phase[A5]
X = phase[X]
r = A * _np.exp(B * X ** C + D) + E
S1 = A * B * C * X ** (C - 1) * _np.exp(B * X ** C + D)
S2 = A * (1 - B * C * X ** C) * _np.exp(B * X ** C + D) + E
values = {'pore.S1': S1, 'pore.S2': S2, 'pore.rate': r}
return values
def logarithm(phase, X, A1=0.0, A2=10.0, A3=1.0, A4=1.0, A5=0.0, A6=0.0):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of `X`:
.. math::
r = A_{1} Log_{ A_{2} }( A_{3} x^{ A_{4} }+ A_{5})+ A_{6}
X : str
The dictionary key on the phase object containing the the quantity
of interest
A1 -> A6 : str
The dictionary keys on the phase object containing the coefficients
values to be used in the source term model
A dictionary containing the following three items:
The value of the source term function at the given X.
The slope of the source term function at the given X.
The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
A = phase[A1]
B = phase[A2]
C = phase[A3]
D = phase[A4]
E = phase[A5]
F = phase[A6]
X = phase[X]
r = (A * _np.log(C * X ** D + E)/_np.log(B) + F)
S1 = A * C * D * X ** (D - 1) / (_np.log(B) * (C * X ** D + E))
S2 = A * _np.log(C * X ** D + E) / _np.log(B) + F - A * C * D * X ** D / \
(_np.log(B) * (C * X ** D + E))
values = {'S1': S1, 'S2': S2, 'rate': r}
return values
def natural_logarithm(phase, X, A1=0.0, A2=1.0, A3=1.0, A4=0.0, A5=0.0):
Calculates the rate, as well as slope and intercept of the following
function at the given value of `X`:
.. math::
r = A_{1} Ln( A_{2} x^{ A_{3} }+ A_{4})+ A_{5}
X : str
The dictionary key on the phase object containing the the quantity
of interest
A1 -> A5 : str
The dictionary keys on the phase object containing the coefficients
values to be used in the source term model
A dictionary containing the following three items:
The value of the source term function at the given X.
The slope of the source term function at the given X.
The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation about the
current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
A = phase[A1]
B = phase[A2]
C = phase[A3]
D = phase[A4]
E = phase[A5]
X = phase[X]
r = A*_np.log(B*X**C + D) + E
S1 = A*B*C*X**(C - 1) / (B * X ** C + D)
S2 = A*_np.log(B*X**C + D) + E - A*B*C*X**C / (B*X**C + D)
values = {'pore.S1': S1, 'pore.S2': S2, 'pore.rate': r}
return values
def _build_func(eq, **args):
Take a symbolic equation and return the lambdified version plus the
linearization of form S1 * x + S2
from sympy import lambdify
eq_prime = eq.diff(args['x'])
s1 = eq_prime
s2 = eq - eq_prime*args['x']
EQ = lambdify(args.values(), expr=eq, modules='numpy')
S1 = lambdify(args.values(), expr=s1, modules='numpy')
S2 = lambdify(args.values(), expr=s2, modules='numpy')
return EQ, S1, S2
def general_symbolic(phase, eqn, x, **kwargs):
A general function to interpret a sympy equation and evaluate the linear
components of the source term.
eqn : str
The str representation of the equation to use. This will be
passed to sympy's ``sympify`` function to make a *live* sympy object.
x : str
The dictionary key of the independent variable
All additional keyword arguments are converted to sympy variables
using the ``symbols`` function. Note that IF the arguments are
strs, it is assumed they are dictionary keys pointing to arrays
on the ``phase`` object. If they are numerical values they are
used 'as is'. Numpy arrays are not accepted. These must be stored
in the ``phase`` dictionary and referenced by key.
>>> import openpnm as op
>>> from openpnm.models.physics import source_terms as st
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import sympy
>>> pn =[5, 5, 5], spacing=0.0001)
>>> water = op.phase.Water(network=pn)
>>> water['pore.a'] = 1
>>> water['pore.b'] = 2
>>> water['pore.c'] = 3
>>> water['pore.x'] = np.random.random(water.Np)
>>> y = 'a*x**b + c'
>>> arg_map = {'a':'pore.a', 'b':'pore.b', 'c':'pore.c'}
>>> water.add_model(propname='pore.general',
... model=st.general_symbolic,
... eqn=y, x='pore.x', **arg_map)
from sympy import symbols, sympify
eqn = sympify(eqn)
# Get the data
data = {'x': phase[x]}
args = {'x': symbols('x')}
for key in kwargs.keys():
if isinstance(kwargs[key], str):
data[key] = phase[kwargs[key]]
data[key] = kwargs[key]
args[key] = symbols(key)
r, s1, s2 = _build_func(eqn, **args)
r_val = r(*data.values())
s1_val = s1(*data.values())
s2_val = s2(*data.values())
values = {'S1': s1_val, 'S2': s2_val, 'rate': r_val}
return values
def butler_volmer_conc(
phase, X, n, i0_ref, c_ref, beta,
Calculates the rate, slope and intercept of the Butler-Volmer kinetic
model based on **concentration** to be used in mass transfer
X : str
The dictionary key of the quantity of interest (i.e. main variable
to be solved; in this case, concentration).
n : float
Number of electrons transferred in the redox reaction.
i0_ref : float
Exchange current density for some conveniently selected value of
c_ref [A/m^2].
c_ref : float
Reference concentration [mol/m^3].
beta : float
Symmetry factor. The value of beta represents the
fraction of the applied potential that promotes the
cathodic reaction. Frequently, beta is assummed to be
0.5, although the theoretical justification for this
is not completely rigorous. This kinetic parameter must be determined
to agree with experimental data.
gamma : float
The exponent of the concentration term
solid_voltage : str
The dictionary key of solid phase voltages [V].
electrolyte_voltage : str
The dictionary key of electrolyte phase voltages [V].
open_circuit_voltage : str
The dictionary key of equilibrium potential values [V].
reaction_area : str
The dictionary key of reaction area values [m^2].
temperature : str
The dictionary key of temperature values [K].
Dictionary containing the following key/value pairs:
- rate : The value of the source term function at the given X.
- S1 : The slope of the source term function at the given X.
- S2 : The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The difference between butler_volmer_conc and butler_volmer_voltage is
that the former is linearized with respect to the electrolyte
concentration whereas the latter is linearized with respect to the
electrolyte voltage.
Consequently, while the S1 and S2 produced by these model shouldn't be
identical, they should both produce the same **rate** with the only
difference that the rate generated by butler_volmer_conc has the units
[mol/s] whereas that generated by butler_volmer_voltage has the units
[C/s]. Therefore, the two rates will differ by n * F, where n is the
number of electrons transferred and F is the Faraday's constant. The
Butler-Volmer equation used in this function is based on Eq. 8.24
of the Electrochemical Systems reference book cited here.
.. math::
r_{mass} = \frac{ i A }{ n F }=
i_{0ref} A_{rxn} (\frac{ 1 }{ n F })(\frac{ X }{ c_{ref} }) ^ {\gamma}
\exp( \frac{(1-\beta) n F}{RT} \eta_s )
- \exp( -\frac{\beta n F}{RT} \eta_s )
.. math::
\eta_s = \phi_{met} - \phi_{soln} - U_{eq}
where :math:`{\phi_{met}}` is the electrostatic potential of the electrode,
:math:`{\phi_{soln}}` is the electrostatic potential of the electrolyte
solution, and :math:`{U_{eq}}` is the equilibrium potential, which is
the potential at which the net rate of reaction is zero. Here, we
assume U_{eq} is equal to the open-circuit voltage and is constant.
Alternatively, the dependency of the U_{eq} to the consentration
of species can be defined as a function and assigned to the
phase['pore.open_circuit_voltage'] (e.g. Eq.8.20 of
the reference book (Electrochemical Systems).
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation
about the current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
Reference: John Newman, Karen E. Thomas-Alyea, Electrochemical Systems,
John Wiley & Sons, third edition, 2004.
For more details read Chapter8:Electrode kinetics (e.g. Eqs: 8.6,8.10,8.24).
# Fetch model variables
X = phase[X]
T = phase[temperature]
phi_met = phase[solid_voltage]
phi_soln = phase[electrolyte_voltage]
U_eq = phase[open_circuit_voltage]
A_rxn =[reaction_area]
F = _sp.constants.physical_constants["Faraday constant"][0]
R = _sp.constants.R
# Linearize with respect to X (electrolyte concentration)
eta_s = phi_met - phi_soln - U_eq
cte = i0_ref * A_rxn / (n * F)
m1 = (1-beta) * n * F / (R * T)
m2 = beta * n * F / (R * T)
fV = _np.exp(m1 * eta_s) - _np.exp(-m2 * eta_s)
fC = (X / c_ref)**gamma
r = cte * fC * fV
drdC = cte * (X / c_ref)**(gamma - 1) * (1 / c_ref) * fV
S1 = drdC
S2 = r - drdC * X
values = {"S1": S1, "S2": S2, "rate": r}
return values
def butler_volmer_voltage(
phase, X, n, i0_ref, c_ref, beta,
Calculates the rate, slope and intercept of the Butler-Volmer kinetic model
based on **voltage** to be used in electron conduction algorithms.
X : str
The dictionary key of the quantity of interest (i.e. main variable
to be solved; in this case, electrolyte voltage).
n : float
Number of electrons transferred in the redox reaction.
i0_ref : float
Exchange current density for some conveniently selected value of
c_ref [A/m^2].
c_ref : float
Reference concentration [mol/m^3].
beta : float
Symmetry factor. The value of beta represents the
fraction of the applied potential that promotes the
cathodic reaction. Frequently, beta is assummed to be
0.5, although the theoretical justification for this
is not completely rigorous. This kinetic parameter must be determined
to agree with experimental data.
gamma : float
The exponent of the concentration term
electrolyte_concentration : str
The dictionary key of the electrolyte concentrations [mol/m^3].
solid_voltage : str
The dictionary key of solid phase voltages [V].
electrolyte_voltage : str
The dictionary key of electrolyte phase voltages [V].
open_circuit_voltage : str
The dictionary key of equilibrium potential values [V].
reaction_area : str
The dictionary key of reaction area values [m^2].
temperature : str
The dictionary key of temperature values [K].
rate_info : dict
Dictionary containing the following key/value pairs:
- rate : The value of the source term function at the given X.
- S1 : The slope of the source term function at the given X.
- S2 : The intercept of the source term function at the given X.
The difference between butler_volmer_conc and butler_volmer_voltage is
that the former is linearized with respect to the electrolyte
concentration whereas the latter is linearized with respect to the
electrolyte voltage.
Consequently, while the S1 and S2 produced by these model shouldn't be
identical, they should both produce the same **rate** with the only
difference that the rate generated by butler_volmer_conc has the units
[mol/s] whereas that generated by butler_volmer_voltage has the units
[C/s]. Therefore, the two rates will differ by n * F, where n is the
number of electrons transferred and F is the Faraday's constant. The
Butler-Volmer equation used in this function is based on Eq. 8.24
of the Electrochemical Systems reference book cited here.
.. math::
r_{charge}=i A = i_{0ref} A_{rxn} (\frac{ c }{ c_{ref} }) ^ {\gamma}
\exp( \frac{(1-\beta) n F}{RT} \eta_s )
- \exp( -\frac{\beta n F}{RT} \eta_s )
.. math::
\eta_s = \phi_{met} - \phi_{soln} - U_{eq}
where :math:`{\phi_{met}}` is the electrostatic potential of the electrode,
:math:`{\phi_{soln}}` is the electrostatic potential of the electrolyte
solution, and :math:`{U_{eq}}` is the equilibrium potential, which is
the potential at which the net rate of reaction is zero. Here, we
assume U_{eq} is equal to the open-circuit voltage and is constant.
Alternatively, the dependency of the U_{eq} to the consentration
of species can be defined as a function and assigned to the
phase['pore.open_circuit_voltage'] (e.g. Eq.8.20 of
the reference book (Electrochemical Systems).
The slope and intercept provide a linearized source term equation
about the current value of X as follow:
.. math::
rate = S_{1} X + S_{2}
Reference: John Newman, Karen E. Thomas-Alyea, Electrochemical Systems,
John Wiley & Sons, third edition, 2004.
For more details read Chapter8:Electrode kinetics (e.g. Eqs: 8.6,8.10,8.24).
# Fetch model variables
A_rxn =[reaction_area]
phi_met = phase[solid_voltage]
U_eq = phase[open_circuit_voltage]
c = phase[electrolyte_concentration]
T = phase[temperature]
X = phase[X]
F = _sp.constants.physical_constants["Faraday constant"][0]
R = _sp.constants.R
# Linearize with respect to X (electrolyte voltage)
eta_s = phi_met - X - U_eq
cte = i0_ref * A_rxn
m1 = (1-beta) * n * F / (R * T)
m2 = beta * n * F / (R * T)
fV = _np.exp(m1 * eta_s) - _np.exp(-m2 * eta_s)
dfVdV = -(m1 * _np.exp(m1 * eta_s) + m2 * _np.exp(-m2 * eta_s))
fC = (c / c_ref)**gamma
r = cte * fC * fV
drdV = cte * fC * dfVdV
S1 = drdV
S2 = r - drdV * X
values = {"S1": S1, "S2": S2, "rate": r}
return values