Source code for openpnm.models.misc._neighbor_lookups

Neighbor Lookups

import logging
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ['from_neighbor_throats', 'from_neighbor_pores']

[docs] def from_neighbor_throats(target, prop, mode='min', ignore_nans=True): r""" Adopt a value from the values found in neighboring throats Parameters ---------- target : Base The object which this model is associated with. This controls the length of the calculated array, and also provides access to other necessary properties. prop : str The dictionary key of the array containing the throat property to be used in the calculation. mode : str Controls how the pore property is calculated. The default value is 'min'. Options are: =========== ===================================================== mode meaning =========== ===================================================== 'min' Returns the value of the minimum property of the neighboring throats 'max' Returns the value of the maximum property of the neighboring throats 'mean' Returns the value of the mean property of the neighboring throats 'sum' Returns the sum of the property of the neighboring throats =========== ===================================================== Returns ------- value : ndarray Array containing customized values based on those of adjacent throats. """ network = data = target[prop] nans = np.isnan(data) im = network.create_incidence_matrix() if mode == 'min': if ignore_nans: data[nans] = np.inf values = np.ones((network.Np, ))*np.inf, im.row, data[im.col]) if mode == 'max': if ignore_nans: data[nans] = -np.inf values = np.ones((network.Np, ))*-np.inf, im.row, data[im.col]) if mode == 'mean': if ignore_nans: data[nans] = 0 values = np.zeros((network.Np, )), im.row, data[im.col]) counts = np.zeros((network.Np, )), im.row, np.ones((network.Nt, ))[im.col]) if ignore_nans:, im.row, nans[im.col]) values = values/counts if mode == 'sum': if ignore_nans: data[nans] = 0 values = np.zeros((network.Np, )), im.row, data[im.col]) return values
[docs] def from_neighbor_pores(target, prop, mode='min', ignore_nans=True): r""" Adopt a value based on the values in neighboring pores Parameters ---------- target : Base The object which this model is associated with. This controls the length of the calculated array, and also provides access to other necessary properties. prop : str The dictionary key to the array containing the pore property to be used in the calculation. mode : str Controls how the pore property is calculated. The default value is 'min'. Options are: =========== ===================================================== mode meaning =========== ===================================================== 'min' Returns the value of the minimum property of the neighboring pores 'max' Returns the value of the maximum property of the neighboring pores 'mean' Returns the value of the mean property of the neighboring pores 'sum' Returns the sum of the property of the neighrboring pores =========== ===================================================== ignore_nans : bool (default is ``True``) If ``True`` the result will ignore ``nans`` in the neighbors Returns ------- value : ndarray Array containing customized values based on those of adjacent pores. """ network = throats = target.Ts P12 = network.find_connected_pores(throats) pvalues = target[prop][P12] if ignore_nans: pvalues =, mask=np.isnan(pvalues)) try: # If pvalues is not empty if mode == 'min': value = np.amin(pvalues, axis=1) if mode == 'max': value = np.amax(pvalues, axis=1) if mode == 'mean': value = np.mean(pvalues, axis=1) if mode == 'sum': value = np.sum(pvalues, axis=1) except np.AxisError: # Handle case of empty pvalues value = [] return np.array(value)