Source code for

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from import project_to_dict, _parse_filename
from openpnm.utils import Workspace
from openpnm.utils._misc import is_transient
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ws = Workspace()

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<VTKFile byte_order="LittleEndian" type="PolyData" version="0.1">
        <Piece NumberOfLines="0" NumberOfPoints="0">

[docs] def project_to_vtk(project, filename="", fill_nans=None, fill_infs=None): r""" Save network and phase data to a single vtp file for visualizing in Paraview. Parameters ---------- network : Network The Network containing the data to be written phases : list, optional A list containing Phase(s) containing data to be written filename : str, optional Filename to write data. If no name is given the file is named after the network fill_nans : scalar The value to use to replace NaNs with. The VTK file format does not work with NaNs, so they must be dealt with. The default is `None` which means property arrays with NaNs are not written to the file. Other useful options might be 0 or -1, but the user must be aware that these are not real values, only place holders. fill_infs : scalar The value to use to replace infs with. The default is ``None`` which means that property arrays containing ``None`` will *not* be written to the file, and a warning will be issued. A useful value is """ network = algs = project.algorithms # Check if any of the phases has time series transient = is_transient(algs) if transient: logger.warning( "vtp format does not support transient data, " + "use xdmf instead" ) if filename == "": filename = filename = _parse_filename(filename=filename, ext="vtp") am = project_to_dict(project=project, categorize_by=["object", "data"]) am = pd.json_normalize(am, sep='.').to_dict(orient='records')[0] for k in list(am.keys()): am[k.replace('.', ' | ')] = am.pop(k) key_list = list(sorted(am.keys())) points = network["pore.coords"] pairs = network["throat.conns"] num_points = np.shape(points)[0] num_throats = np.shape(pairs)[0] root = ET.fromstring(_TEMPLATE) piece_node = root.find("PolyData").find("Piece") piece_node.set("NumberOfPoints", str(num_points)) piece_node.set("NumberOfLines", str(num_throats)) points_node = piece_node.find("Points") coords = _array_to_element("coords", points.T.ravel("F"), n=3) points_node.append(coords) lines_node = piece_node.find("Lines") connectivity = _array_to_element("connectivity", pairs) lines_node.append(connectivity) offsets = _array_to_element("offsets", 2 * np.arange(len(pairs)) + 2) lines_node.append(offsets) point_data_node = piece_node.find("PointData") cell_data_node = piece_node.find("CellData") for key in key_list: array = am[key] if array.dtype == "O": logger.warning(key + " has dtype object," + " will not write to file") else: if array.dtype == bool: array = array.astype(int) if np.any(np.isnan(array)): if fill_nans is None: logger.warning(key + " has nans," + " will not write to file") continue else: array[np.isnan(array)] = fill_nans if np.any(np.isinf(array)): if fill_infs is None: logger.warning(key + " has infs," + " will not write to file") continue else: array[np.isinf(array)] = fill_infs element = _array_to_element(key, array) if array.size == num_points: point_data_node.append(element) elif array.size == num_throats: cell_data_node.append(element) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(filename) with open(filename, "r+") as f: string = string = string.replace("</DataArray>", "</DataArray>\n\t\t\t") # consider adding header: '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'+ f.write(string)
def _array_to_element(name, array, n=1): dtype_map = { "int8": "Int8", "int16": "Int16", "int32": "Int32", "int64": "Int64", "uint8": "UInt8", "uint16": "UInt16", "uint32": "UInt32", "uint64": "UInt64", "float32": "Float32", "float64": "Float64", "str": "String", } element = None if str(array.dtype) in dtype_map.keys(): element = ET.Element("DataArray") element.set("Name", name) element.set("NumberOfComponents", str(n)) element.set("type", dtype_map[str(array.dtype)]) element.text = "\t".join(map(str, array.ravel())) return element def _element_to_array(element, n=1): string = element.text dtype = element.get("type") array = np.fromstring(string, sep="\t") array = array.astype(dtype.lower()) if n != 1: array = array.reshape(array.size // n, n) return array