Source code for

import numpy as np
import openpnm as op

[docs] def network_to_comsol(network, filename=None): r""" Saves the network and geometry data from the given objects into the specified file. This exports in 2D only where throats and pores have rectangular and circular shapes, respectively. Parameters ---------- network : Network The network containing the desired data Notes ----- - The exported files contain COMSOL geometry objects, not meshes. - This class exports in 2D only. """ if op.topotools.dimensionality(network).sum() == 3: raise Exception("COMSOL I/O class only works for 2D networks!") filename = if filename is None else filename f = open(f"{filename}.mphtxt", 'w') header(file=f, Nr=network.Nt, Nc=network.Np) cn = network['throat.conns'] p1 = network['pore.coords'][cn[:, 0]] p2 = network['pore.coords'][cn[:, 1]] # Compute the rotation angle of throats dif_x = p2[:, 0]-p1[:, 0] dif_y = p2[:, 1]-p1[:, 1] # Avoid division by 0 m = np.array([dif_x_i != 0 for dif_x_i in dif_x]) r = np.zeros((len(dif_x))) r[~m] = np.inf r[m] = dif_y[m]/dif_x[m] angles = np.arctan(r) r_w = network['throat.diameter'] rectangles(file=f, pores1=p1, pores2=p2, alphas=angles, widths=r_w) c_c = network['pore.coords'] c_r = network['pore.diameter']/2.0 circles(file=f, centers=c_c, radii=c_r) f.close()
def header(file, Nr, Nc): f = file f.write('# Geometry exported by OpenPNM'+2*'\n') f.write('# Major & minor version'+'\n') f.write('0 1'+2*'\n') f.write(str(Nc+Nr)+' '+'# number of tags'+'\n') f.write('# Tags'+'\n') for r in range(1, Nr+1): tag = 'r'+str(int(r)) tag = str(len(tag))+' '+tag f.write(tag+'\n') for c in range(1, Nc+1): tag = 'c'+str(int(c)) tag = str(len(tag))+' '+tag f.write(tag+'\n') f.write('\n'+str(Nc+Nr)+' '+'# number of types'+'\n') f.write('# Types'+'\n') for i in range(Nc+Nr): f.write('3 obj'+'\n') f.write('\n') def rectangles(file, pores1, pores2, alphas, widths): f = file p1x = pores1[:, 0] + (widths/2)*np.sin(alphas) p1y = pores1[:, 1] - (widths/2)*np.cos(alphas) p2x = pores2[:, 0] + (widths/2)*np.sin(alphas) p2y = pores2[:, 1] - (widths/2)*np.cos(alphas) p3x = pores2[:, 0] - (widths/2)*np.sin(alphas) p3y = pores2[:, 1] + (widths/2)*np.cos(alphas) p4x = pores1[:, 0] - (widths/2)*np.sin(alphas) p4y = pores1[:, 1] + (widths/2)*np.cos(alphas) for r in range(len(pores1)): f.write('# --------- rectangle nbr '+str(r+1)+' ---------'+2*'\n') f.write('0 0 1'+'\n') f.write('5 Geom2 # class'+'\n') f.write('2 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # type'+'\n') f.write('1 # voidsLabeled'+'\n') f.write('1e-010 # gtol'+'\n') f.write('0.0001 # resTol'+2*'\n') f.write('4 # number of vertices'+'\n') f.write('# Vertices'+'\n') f.write('# X Y dom tol'+'\n') f.write(str(p1x[r])+' '+str(p1y[r])+' '+'-1 NAN'+'\n') f.write(str(p2x[r])+' '+str(p2y[r])+' '+'-1 NAN'+'\n') f.write(str(p3x[r])+' '+str(p3y[r])+' '+'-1 NAN'+'\n') f.write(str(p4x[r])+' '+str(p4y[r])+' '+'-1 NAN'+2*'\n') f.write('4 # number of edges'+'\n') f.write('# Edges'+'\n') f.write('# vtx1 vtx2 s1 s2 up down mfd tol'+'\n') f.write('2 1 0 1 0 1 1 NAN'+'\n') f.write('3 2 0 1 0 1 2 NAN'+'\n') f.write('4 3 0 1 0 1 3 NAN'+'\n') f.write('1 4 0 1 0 1 4 NAN'+2*'\n') f.write('4 # number of manifolds'+'\n') f.write('# Manifolds'+2*'\n') f.write('# Manifold #0'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('1 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('2 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') f.write(str(p2x[r])+' '+str(p2y[r])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p1x[r])+' '+str(p1y[r])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') f.write('# Manifold #1'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('1 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('2 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') f.write(str(p3x[r])+' '+str(p3y[r])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p2x[r])+' '+str(p2y[r])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') f.write('# Manifold #2'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('1 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('2 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') f.write(str(p4x[r])+' '+str(p4y[r])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p3x[r])+' '+str(p3y[r])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') f.write('# Manifold #3'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('1 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('2 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') f.write(str(p1x[r])+' '+str(p1y[r])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p4x[r])+' '+str(p4y[r])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') f.write('# Attributes'+'\n') f.write('0 # nof attributes'+2*'\n') def circles(file, centers, radii): f = file p1x = centers[:, 0]-radii p1y = centers[:, 1] p2x = centers[:, 0] p2y = centers[:, 1]-radii p3x = centers[:, 0]+radii p3y = centers[:, 1] p4x = centers[:, 0] p4y = centers[:, 1]+radii for c in range(len(centers)): f.write('# --------- circle nbr '+str(c+1)+' ---------'+2*'\n') f.write('0 0 1'+'\n') f.write('5 Geom2 # class'+'\n') f.write('2 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # type'+'\n') f.write('1 # voidsLabeled'+'\n') f.write('1e-010 # gtol'+'\n') f.write('0.0001 # resTol'+2*'\n') f.write('4 # number of vertices'+'\n') f.write('# Vertices'+'\n') f.write('# X Y dom tol'+'\n') # extreme left point of the circle f.write(str(p1x[c])+' '+str(p1y[c])+' '+'-1 NAN'+'\n') # extreme bottom point of the circle f.write(str(p2x[c])+' '+str(p2y[c])+' '+'-1 NAN'+'\n') # extreme right point of the circle f.write(str(p3x[c])+' '+str(p3y[c])+' '+'-1 NAN'+'\n') # extreme top point of the circle f.write(str(p4x[c])+' '+str(p4y[c])+' '+'-1 NAN'+2*'\n') f.write('4 # number of edges'+'\n') f.write('# Edges'+'\n') f.write('# vtx1 vtx2 s1 s2 up down mfd tol'+'\n') f.write('2 1 0 1 0 1 1 NAN'+'\n') f.write('3 2 0 1 0 1 2 NAN'+'\n') f.write('4 3 0 1 0 1 3 NAN'+'\n') f.write('1 4 0 1 0 1 4 NAN'+2*'\n') f.write('4 # number of manifolds'+'\n') f.write('# Manifolds'+2*'\n') # bottom left quart of the circle f.write('# Manifold #0'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('2 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('3 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') # extreme bottom point of the circle f.write(str(p2x[c])+' '+str(p2y[c])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p1x[c])+' '+str(p2y[c])+' '+'0.70710678118654746'+'\n') # extreme left point of the circle f.write(str(p1x[c])+' '+str(p1y[c])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') # bottom right quart of the circle f.write('# Manifold #1'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('2 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('3 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') # extreme right point of the circle f.write(str(p3x[c])+' '+str(p3y[c])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p3x[c])+' '+str(p2y[c])+' '+'0.70710678118654746'+'\n') # extreme bottom point of the circle f.write(str(p2x[c])+' '+str(p2y[c])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') # top right quart of the circle f.write('# Manifold #2'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('2 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('3 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') # extreme top point of the circle f.write(str(p4x[c])+' '+str(p4y[c])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p3x[c])+' '+str(p4y[c])+' '+'0.70710678118654746'+'\n') # extreme right point of the circle f.write(str(p3x[c])+' '+str(p3y[c])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') # top left quart of the circle f.write('# Manifold #3'+'\n') f.write('11 BezierCurve # class'+'\n') f.write('0 0 # version'+'\n') f.write('2 # sdim'+'\n') f.write('0 2 1 # transformation'+'\n') f.write('2 0 # degrees'+'\n') f.write('3 # number of control points'+'\n') f.write('# control point coords and weights'+'\n') # extreme left point of the circle f.write(str(p1x[c])+' '+str(p1y[c])+' '+'1'+'\n') f.write(str(p1x[c])+' '+str(p4y[c])+' '+'0.70710678118654746'+'\n') # extreme top point of the circle f.write(str(p4x[c])+' '+str(p4y[c])+' '+'1'+2*'\n') f.write('# Attributes'+'\n') f.write('0 # nof attributes'+2*'\n')