Source code for openpnm.core._base2

import numpy as np
import logging
import uuid
from copy import deepcopy
from openpnm.core import (
from openpnm.utils import (

docstr = Docorator()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ws = Workspace()

__all__ = [

@docstr.get_sections(base='BaseSettings', sections=docstr.all_sections)
class BaseSettings:
    The default settings to use on instance of Base

    uuid : str
        A universally unique identifier for the object to keep things straight

    default_domain = 'domain_1'

[docs] @docstr.get_sections(base='Base', sections=['Parameters']) @docstr.dedent class Base2(dict): r""" A subclassed dictionary used for storing data Parameters ---------- network : dict An OpenPNM Network object, which is a subclass of a dict """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super(Base2, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) # It is necessary to set the SettingsAttr here since some classes # use it before calling super.__init__() instance.settings = SettingsAttr() instance.settings['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) return instance def __init__(self, network=None, project=None, name='obj_?'): super().__init__() # Add default settings self.settings._update(BaseSettings()) # Add parameters attr self._params = PrintableDict(key="Parameters", value="Value") # Associate with project if (network is None) and (project is None): project = ws.new_project() elif project is None: project = network.project project.append(self) = name def __eq__(self, other): return hex(id(self)) == hex(id(other)) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover module = self.__module__ module = ".".join([x for x in module.split(".") if not x.startswith("_")]) cname = self.__class__.__name__ return f'{} : <{module}.{cname} at {hex(id(self))}>' def __setitem__(self, key, value): if value is None: return # Intercept parameters if key.startswith('param'): _, key = key.split('.', 1) self._params[key] = value return if not (key.startswith('pore.') or key.startswith('throat.')): raise Exception("All dict names must start with pore, throat, or param") # Intercept @ symbol if '@' in key: element, prop = key.split('@')[0].split('.', 1) domain = key.split('@')[1] locs = super().__getitem__(f'{element}.{domain}') try: vals = self[f'{element}.{prop}'] vals[locs] = value self[f'{element}.{prop}'] = vals except KeyError: value = np.array(value) temp = self._initialize_empty_array_like(value, element) self.__setitem__(f'{element}.{prop}', temp) self[f'{element}.{prop}'][locs] = value return element, prop = key.split('.', 1) # Catch dictionaries and break them up if isinstance(value, dict): for k, v in value.items(): self[f'{key}.{k}'] = v return # Enforce correct dict naming if element not in ['pore', 'throat']: raise Exception('All keys must start with either pore or throat') # Convert value to ndarray if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = np.array(value, ndmin=1) # Skip checks for coords and conns if key in ['pore.coords', 'throat.conns']: self.update({key: value}) return # Finally write data if self._count(element) is None: self.update({key: value}) # If length not defined, do it elif value.shape[0] == 1: # If value is scalar value = np.ones((self._count(element), ), dtype=value.dtype)*value self.update({key: value}) elif np.shape(value)[0] == self._count(element): self.update({key: value}) else: raise Exception('Provided array is wrong length for ' + key) def __getitem__(self, key): # If key is a just a numerical value, then kick it directly back. # This allows one to do either value='pore.blah' or value=1.0 in # pore-scale models if not isinstance(key, str): return key if key.startswith('param'): _, key = key.split('.', 1) try: return self._params[key] except KeyError: return[key] # If key contains an @ symbol then return a subset of values at the # requested locations, by recursively calling __getitem__ if '@' in key: element, prop = key.split('@')[0].split('.', 1) domain = key.split('@')[1] if f'{element}.{domain}' not in self.keys(): raise KeyError(key) locs = self[f'{element}.{domain}'] vals = self[f'{element}.{prop}'] return vals[locs] try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: # If key is object's name or all, return ones if key.split('.', 1)[-1] in [, 'all']: element, prop = key.split('.', 1) vals = np.ones(self._count(element), dtype=bool) return vals else: vals = {} # Gather any arrays into a dict for k in self.keys(): if k.startswith(f'{key}.'): vals.update({k.replace(f'{key}.', ''): self[k]}) if len(vals) > 0: return vals else: raise KeyError(key) def __delitem__(self, key): try: super().__delitem__(key) except KeyError: d = self[key] # If key is a nested dict, get all values for item in d.keys(): super().__delitem__(f'{key}.{item}')
[docs] def pop(self, *args): r""" """ v = super().pop(*args) if v is None: try: d = self[args[0]] v = {} for item in d.keys(): key = f'{args[0]}.{item}' v[key] = super().pop(key) except KeyError: pass return v
[docs] def clear(self, mode=None): r""" Clears or deletes certain things from object. If no arguments are provided it defaults to the normal `dict` behavior. Parameters ---------- mode : str Controls which things are to be deleted. Options are: =========== ============================================================ `mode` Description =========== ============================================================ 'props' Deletes all pore and throat properties (i.e numerical data) in the object's dictionary (except 'pore.coords' and 'throat.conns' if it is a network object). 'labels' Deletes all labels (i.e. boolean data) in the object's dictionary. 'models' Delete are pore and throat properties that were produced by a pore-scale model. =========== ============================================================ """ if mode is None: super().clear() else: if isinstance(mode, str): mode = [mode] if 'props' in mode: for item in self.props(): if item not in ['pore.coords', 'throat.conns']: del self[item] if 'labels' in mode: for item in self.labels(): if item not in ['pore.', 'throat.']: del self[item] if 'models' in mode: for item in self.models.keys(): _ = self.pop(item.split('@')[0], None)
[docs] def keys(self, mode=None): r""" An overloaded version of ``keys`` that optionally accepts a ``mode`` Parameters ---------- mode : str If given, optionally, it controls which type of keys are returned. Options are: ========== ======================================================= mode description ========== ======================================================= props Returns only keys that contain numerical arrays labels Returns only keys that contain boolean arrays models Returns only keys that were generated by a pore-scale model constants Returns only keys are were *not* generated by a pore- scale model ========== ======================================================= """ if mode is None: return super().keys() else: if isinstance(mode, str): mode = [mode] vals = set() if 'props' in mode: for item in self.props(): vals.add(item) if 'labels' in mode: for item in self.labels(): vals.add(item) if 'models' in mode: for item in self.models.keys(): propname = item.split('@')[0] if propname in self.keys(): vals.add(propname) if 'constants' in mode: vals = vals.union(set(self.props())) for item in self.models.keys(): propname = item.split('@')[0] if propname in vals: vals.remove(propname) return PrintableList(vals)
def _set_name(self, name, validate=True): if not hasattr(self, '_name'): self._name = '' old_name = self._name if name == old_name: return name = self.project._generate_name(name) self._name = name def _get_name(self): try: return self._name except AttributeError: return None name = property(_get_name, _set_name) def _get_project(self): for proj in list(ws.values()): if self in proj: return proj project = property(fget=_get_project) def _set_settings(self, settings): self._settings = deepcopy(settings) def _get_settings(self): if self._settings is None: self._settings = SettingsAttr() return self._settings def _del_settings(self): self._settings = None settings = property(fget=_get_settings, fset=_set_settings, fdel=_del_settings) @property def network(self): r""" Shortcut to retrieve a handle to the network object associated with the calling object """ return @property def params(self): r""" This attribute stores 'scalar' data that can be used by pore-scale models. For instance, if a model calls for `temperature` you can specify `pore.temperature` if every pore might have a different value, or `param.temperature` if a single value prevails everywhere. """ return self._params def _count(self, element): if element == 'pore': try: return self['pore.coords'].shape[0] except KeyError: for k, v in self.items(): if k.startswith('pore.'): return v.shape[0] elif element == 'throat': try: return self['throat.conns'].shape[0] except KeyError: for k, v in self.items(): if k.startswith('throat.'): return v.shape[0] @property def Nt(self): r""" Shortcut to retrieve the number of throats in the domain """ return self._count('throat') @property def Np(self): r""" Shortcut to retrieve the number of pores in the domain """ return self._count('pore') @property def Ts(self): r""" Shortcut to retrieve the indices of *all* throats """ return np.arange(self._count('throat')) @property def Ps(self): r""" Shortcut to retrieve the indices of *all* pores """ return np.arange(self._count('pore')) def _tomask(self, element, indices): return self.to_mask(**{element+'s': indices})
[docs] def to_mask(self, pores=None, throats=None): r""" Generates a boolean mask with `True` values in the given locations Parameters ---------- pores : array_like The pore indices where `True` values will be placed. If `pores` is given the `throats` is ignored. throats : array_like The throat indices where `True` values will be placed. If `pores` is given the `throats` is ignored. Returns ------- mask : ndarray, boolean A boolean array of length Np is `pores` was given or Nt if `throats` was given. """ if pores is not None: indices = np.array(pores, ndmin=1) N = self.Np elif throats is not None: indices = np.array(throats, ndmin=1) N = self.Nt else: raise Exception('Must specify either pores or throats') mask = np.zeros((N, ), dtype=bool) mask[indices] = True return mask
[docs] def to_indices(self, mask): r""" Converts a boolean mask to pore or throat indices Parameters ---------- mask : ndarray A boolean mask with `True` values indicating either pore or throat indices. This array must either be Nt or Np long, otherwise an Exception is raised. Returns ------- indices : ndarray An array containing numerical indices of where `mask` was `True`. Notes ----- This function is equivalent to just calling `np.where(mask)[0]` but does check to ensure that `mask` is a valid length. """ mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool) if mask.shape[0] not in [self.Np, self.Nt]: raise Exception('Mask must be either Nt or Np long') return np.where(mask)[0]
[docs] def props(self, element=['pore', 'throat']): r""" Retrieves a list of keys that contain numerical data (i.e. "properties") Parameters ---------- element : str, list of strings Indicates whether `'pore'` or `'throat'` properties should be returned. The default is `['pore', 'throat']`, so both are returned. Returns ------- props : list of strings The names of all dictionary keys on the object that contain numerical data. """ if element is None: element = ['pore', 'throat'] if isinstance(element, str): element = [element] props = [] for k, v in self.items(): el, prop = k.split('.', 1) if (el in element) and (v.dtype != bool) and not prop.startswith('_'): props.append(k) props = sorted(props) props = PrintableList(props) return props
[docs] def interpolate_data(self, propname, mode='mean'): r""" Generates an array of the requested pore/throat data by interpolating the neighboring throat/pore data. Parameters ---------- propname : str The data to be generated. mode : str Dictate how the interpolation is done. Options are 'mean', 'min', and 'max'. Returns ------- data : ndarray An ndarray containing the interpolated data. E.g. Requesting 'throat.temperature' will read the values of 'pore.temperature' in each of the neighboring pores and compute the average (if `mode='mean'`). """ from openpnm.models.misc import from_neighbor_throats, from_neighbor_pores element, prop = propname.split('.', 1) if element == 'throat': if self['pore.'+prop].dtype == bool: raise Exception('The requested datatype is boolean, cannot interpolate') values = from_neighbor_pores(self, prop='pore.'+prop, mode=mode) elif element == 'pore': if self['throat.'+prop].dtype == bool: raise Exception('The requested datatype is boolean, cannot interpolate') values = from_neighbor_throats(self, prop='throat.'+prop, mode=mode) return values
[docs] def get_conduit_data(self, propname): r""" Fetches an Nt-by-3 array of the requested property Parameters ---------- propname : str The dictionary key of the property to fetch. Returns ------- data : ndarray An Nt-by-3 array with each column containing the requrested data for pore1, throat, and pore2 respectively. """ poreprop = 'pore.' + propname.split('.', 1)[-1] throatprop = 'throat.' + propname.split('.', 1)[-1] conns = try: T = self[throatprop] if T.ndim > 1: raise Exception(f'{throatprop} must be a single column wide') except KeyError: T = np.ones([self.Nt, ], dtype=float)*np.nan try: P1, P2 = self[poreprop][conns.T] except KeyError: P1 = np.ones([self.Nt, ], dtype=float)*np.nan P2 = np.ones([self.Nt, ], dtype=float)*np.nan vals = np.vstack((P1, T, P2)).T if np.isnan(vals).sum() == vals.size: raise KeyError(f'{propname} not found') return vals
def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover hr = '―' * 78 lines = '' lines += '\n' + "═"*78 + '\n' + self.__repr__() + '\n' + hr + '\n' lines += get_printable_props(self) lines += '\n' + hr + '\n' lines += get_printable_labels(self) lines += '\n' + hr return lines def _initialize_empty_array_like(self, value, element): element = element.split('.', 1)[0] value = np.array(value) if value.dtype == bool: temp = np.zeros([self._count(element), *value.shape[1:]], dtype=bool) else: temp = np.zeros([self._count(element), *value.shape[1:]], dtype=float)*np.nan return temp
[docs] class Domain(ParserMixin, LabelMixin, ModelsMixin2, Base2): r""" The main class used for Network, Phase and Algorithm objects. This class inherits from ``Base2``, but also has several mixins for added functionality. """ ...