Source code for docrep

"""The documentation repetition module.

Copyright 2021 Philipp S. Sommer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import six
import inspect
import re
from warnings import warn

from docrep.decorators import (
    updates_docstring, reads_docstring, deprecated)

__version__ = '0.3.2'

__author__ = 'Philipp Sommer'

__all__ = [

substitution_pattern = re.compile(
    r"""(?s)(?<!%)(%%)*%(?!%)   # uneven number of %
        \((?P<key>.*?)\)# key enclosed in brackets""", re.VERBOSE)

summary_patt = re.compile(r'(?s).*?(?=(\n\s*\n)|$)')

class _StrWithIndentation(object):
    """A convenience class that indents the given string if requested through
    the __str__ method"""

    def __init__(self, s, indent=0, *args, **kwargs):
        self._indent = '\n' + ' ' * indent
        self._s = s

    def __str__(self):
        return self._indent.join(self._s.splitlines())

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self._indent.join(self._s.splitlines()))

def safe_modulo(s, meta, checked='', print_warning=True, stacklevel=2):
    """Safe version of the modulo operation (%) of strings

    s: str
        string to apply the modulo operation with
    meta: dict or tuple
        meta informations to insert (usually via ``s % meta``)
    checked: {'KEY', 'VALUE'}, optional
        Security parameter for the recursive structure of this function. It can
        be set to 'VALUE' if an error shall be raised when facing a TypeError
        or ValueError or to 'KEY' if an error shall be raised when facing a
        KeyError. This parameter is mainly for internal processes.
    print_warning: bool
        If True and a key is not existent in `s`, a warning is raised
    stacklevel: int
        The stacklevel for the :func:`warnings.warn` function

    The effects are demonstrated by this example::

        >>> from docrep import safe_modulo
        >>> s = "That's %(one)s string %(with)s missing 'with' and %s key"
        >>> s % {'one': 1}          # raises KeyError because of missing 'with'
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
        KeyError: 'with'
        >>> s % {'one': 1, 'with': 2}        # raises TypeError because of '%s'
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
        TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
        >>> safe_modulo(s, {'one': 1})
        "That's 1 string %(with)s missing 'with' and %s key"
        return s % meta
    except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError):
        # replace the missing fields by %%
        keys = substitution_pattern.finditer(s)
        for m in keys:
            key ='key')
            if not isinstance(meta, dict) or key not in meta:
                if print_warning:
                    warn("%r is not a valid key!" % key, SyntaxWarning,
                full =
                s = s.replace(full, '%' + full)
        if 'KEY' not in checked:
            return safe_modulo(s, meta, checked=checked + 'KEY',
        if not isinstance(meta, dict) or 'VALUE' in checked:
        s = re.sub(r"""(?<!%)(%%)*%(?!%) # uneven number of %
                    \s*(\w|$)         # format strings""", r'%\g<0>', s,
        return safe_modulo(s, meta, checked=checked + 'VALUE',
                           print_warning=print_warning, stacklevel=stacklevel)

def delete_params(s, *params):
    Delete the given parameters from a string.

    Same as :meth:`delete_params` but does not use the :attr:`params`

    s: str
        The string of the parameters section
    params: list of str
        The names of the parameters to delete

        The modified string `s` without the descriptions of `params`
    patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join(
        r'(?<=\n)' + s + r'\s*:.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in params)
    return re.sub(patt, '', '\n' + s.strip() + '\n').strip()

def delete_types(s, *types):
    Delete the given types from a string.

    Same as :meth:`delete_types` but does not use the :attr:`params`

    s: str
        The string of the returns like section
    types: list of str
        The type identifiers to delete

        The modified string `s` without the descriptions of `types`
    patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join(
        r'(?<=\n)' + s + r'\n.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in types)
    return re.sub(patt, '', '\n' + s.strip() + '\n',).strip()

def delete_kwargs(s, args=None, kwargs=None):
    Delete the ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` part from the parameters section.

    Either `args` or `kwargs` must not be None.

    s: str
        The string to delete the args and kwargs from
    args: None or str
        The string for the args to delete
    kwargs: None or str
        The string for the kwargs to delete

    The type name of `args` in `s` has to be like ````*<args>```` (i.e. the
    `args` argument preceeded by a ``'*'`` and enclosed by double ``'`'``).
    Similarily, the type name of `kwargs` in `s` has to be like
    if not args and not kwargs:
        return s
    types = []
    if args is not None:
        types.append(r'`?`?\*%s`?`?' % args)
    if kwargs is not None:
        types.append(r'`?`?\*\*%s`?`?' % kwargs)
    return delete_types(s, *types)

def keep_params(s, *params):
    Keep the given parameters from a string.

    Same as :meth:`keep_params` but does not use the :attr:`params`

    s: str
        The string of the parameters like section
    params: list of str
        The parameter names to keep

        The modified string `s` with only the descriptions of `params`
    patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join(
        r'(?<=\n)' + s + r'\s*:.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in params)
    return ''.join(re.findall(patt, '\n' + s.strip() + '\n')).rstrip()

def keep_types(s, *types):
    Keep the given types from a string.

    Same as :meth:`keep_types` but does not use the :attr:`params`

    s: str
        The string of the returns like section
    types: list of str
        The type identifiers to keep

        The modified string `s` with only the descriptions of `types`
    patt = '(?s)' + '|'.join(
        r'(?<=\n)' + s + r'\n.+?\n(?=\S+|$)' for s in types)
    return ''.join(re.findall(patt, '\n' + s.strip() + '\n')).rstrip()

# assign delete_params a new name for the deprecation of the corresponding
# DocstringProcessor method
_delete_params_s = lambda s, params: delete_params(s, *params)
_delete_types_s = lambda s, types: delete_types(s, *types)
_delete_kwargs_s = delete_kwargs
_keep_params_s = lambda s, params: keep_params(s, *params)
_keep_types_s = lambda s, types: keep_types(s, *types)

class DocstringProcessor(object):
    """Class that is intended to process docstrings.

    It is, but only to minor extends, inspired by the
    :class:`matplotlib.docstring.Substitution` class.

    Create docstring processor via::

        >>> from docrep import DocstringProcessor
        >>> d = DocstringProcessor(doc_key='My doc string')

    And then use it as a decorator to process the docstring::

        >>> @d
        ... def doc_test():
        ...     '''That's %(doc_key)s'''
        ...     pass

        >>> print(doc_test.__doc__)
        That's My doc string

    Use the :meth:`get_sections` method to extract Parameter sections (or
    others) form the docstring for later usage (and make sure, that the
    docstring is dedented)::

        >>> @d.get_sections(base='docstring_example',
        ...                 sections=['Parameters', 'Examples'])
        ... @d.dedent
        ... def doc_test(a=1, b=2):
        ...     '''
        ...     That's %(doc_key)s
        ...     Parameters
        ...     ----------
        ...     a: int, optional
        ...         A dummy parameter description
        ...     b: int, optional
        ...         A second dummy parameter
        ...     Examples
        ...     --------
        ...     Some dummy example doc'''
        ...     print(a)

        >>> @d.dedent
        ... def second_test(a=1, b=2):
        ...     '''
        ...     My second function where I want to use the docstring from
        ...     above
        ...     Parameters
        ...     ----------
        ...     %(docstring_example.parameters)s
        ...     Examples
        ...     --------
        ...     %(docstring_example.examples)s'''
        ...     pass

        >>> print(second_test.__doc__)
        My second function where I want to use the docstring from
        a: int, optional
            A dummy parameter description
        b: int, optional
            A second dummy parameter
        Some dummy example doc

    Another example uses non-dedented docstrings::

        >>> @d.get_sections(base='not_dedented')
        ... def doc_test2(a=1):
        ...     '''That's the summary
        ...     Parameters
        ...     ----------
        ...     a: int, optional
        ...         A dummy parameter description'''
        ...     print(a)

    These sections must then be used with the :meth:`with_indent` method to
    indent the inserted parameters::

        >>> @d.with_indent(4)
        ... def second_test2(a=1):
        ...     '''
        ...     My second function where I want to use the docstring from
        ...     above
        ...     Parameters
        ...     ----------
        ...     %(not_dedented.parameters)s'''
        ...     pass


    #: :class:`dict`. Dictionary containing the compiled patterns to identify
    #: the Parameters, Other Parameters, Warnings and Notes sections in a
    #: docstring
    patterns = {}

    #: :class:`dict`. Dictionary containing the parameters that are used in for
    #: substitution.
    params = {}

    #: sections that behave the same as the `Parameter` section by defining a
    #: list
    param_like_sections = ['Parameters', 'Other Parameters', 'Returns',
    #: sections that include (possibly not list-like) text
    text_sections = ['Warnings', 'Notes', 'Examples', 'See Also',

    #: The action on how to react on classes in python 2
    #: When calling::
    #:     >>> @docstrings
    #:     ... class NewClass(object):
    #:     ...     """%(replacement)s"""
    #: This normaly raises an AttributeError, because the ``__doc__`` attribute
    #: of a class in python 2 is not writable. This attribute may be one of
    #: ``'ignore', 'raise' or 'warn'``
    python2_classes = 'ignore'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            Positional parameters that shall be used for the substitution. Note
            that you can only provide either ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``,
            furthermore most of the methods like `get_sections` require
            ``**kwargs`` to be provided (if any).
            Initial parameters to use
        if args and kwargs:
            raise ValueError("Only positional or keyword args are allowed")
        self.params = args or kwargs
        patterns = {}
        all_sections = self.param_like_sections + self.text_sections
        for section in self.param_like_sections:
            patterns[section] = re.compile(
                r'(?s)(?<=%s\n%s\n)(.+?)(?=\n\n\S+|$)' % (
                    section, '-'*len(section)))
        all_sections_patt = '|'.join(
            '%s\n%s\n' % (s, '-'*len(s)) for s in all_sections)
        # examples and see also
        for section in self.text_sections:
            patterns[section] = re.compile(
                '(?s)(?<=%s\n%s\n)(.+?)(?=%s|$)' % (
                    section, '-'*len(section), all_sections_patt))
        self._extended_summary_patt = re.compile(
            '(?s)(.+?)(?=%s|$)' % all_sections_patt)
        self._all_sections_patt = re.compile(all_sections_patt)
        self.patterns = patterns

    def __call__(self, s):
        Substitute in a docstring of a function with :attr:`params`.

        func: function
            function with the documentation whose sections
            shall be inserted from the :attr:`params` attribute

        See Also
        dedent: also dedents the doc
        with_indent: also indents the doc
        return safe_modulo(s, self.params, stacklevel=3)

    def get_sections(self, s, base=None,
                     sections=['Parameters', 'Other Parameters']):
        r"""Exctract sections out of a docstring.

        This method extracts the specified `sections` out of the given string
        if (and only if) the docstring follows the numpy documentation
        guidelines [1]_. Note that the section either must appear in the
        :attr:`param_like_sections` or the :attr:`text_sections` attribute.

        s: str
            Docstring to split
        base: str
            base to use in the :attr:`sections` attribute
        sections: list of str
            sections to look for. Each section must be followed by a newline
            character ('\n') and a bar of '-' (following the numpy (napoleon)
            docstring conventions).

            A mapping from section identifier to section string

        .. [1]

        See Also
        delete_params, keep_params, delete_types, keep_types, delete_kwargs:
            For manipulating the docstring sections
            for saving an entire docstring
        params = self.params
        # Remove the summary and dedent the rest
        s = self._remove_summary(s)

        ret = {}

        for section in sections:
            ret[section] = section_doc = self._get_section(s, section)
            if base:
                key = '%s.%s' % (base, section.lower().replace(' ', '_'))
                params[key] = section_doc
        return s

    def _remove_summary(self, s):
        # if the string does not start with one of the sections, we remove the
        # summary
        if not self._all_sections_patt.match(s.lstrip()):
            # remove the summary
            lines = summary_patt.sub('', s, 1).splitlines()
            # look for the first line with content
            first = next((i for i, l in enumerate(lines) if l.strip()), 0)
            # dedent the lines
            s = inspect.cleandoc('\n' + '\n'.join(lines[first:]))
        return s

    def _get_section(self, s, section):
            return self.patterns[section].search(s).group(0).rstrip()
        except AttributeError:
            return ''

    def dedent(self, s, stacklevel=3):
        Dedent a string and substitute with the :attr:`params` attribute.

        s: str
            string to dedent and insert the sections of the :attr:`params`
        stacklevel: int
            The stacklevel for the warning raised in :func:`safe_module` when
            encountering an invalid key in the string
        s = inspect.cleandoc(s)
        return safe_modulo(s, self.params, stacklevel=stacklevel)

    def with_indent(self, s, indent=0, stacklevel=3):
        Substitute a string with the indented :attr:`params`.

        s: str
            The string in which to substitute
        indent: int
            The number of spaces that the substitution should be indented
        stacklevel: int
            The stacklevel for the warning raised in :func:`safe_module` when
            encountering an invalid key in the string

            The substituted string

        See Also
        with_indent, dedent
        # we make a new dictionary with objects that indent the original
        # strings if necessary. Note that the first line is not indented
        d = {key: _StrWithIndentation(val, indent)
             for key, val in six.iteritems(self.params)}
        return safe_modulo(s, d, stacklevel=stacklevel)

    def delete_params(self, base_key, *params):
        Delete a parameter from a parameter documentation.

        This method deletes the given `param` from the `base_key` item in the
        :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original
        documentation without the description of the param. This method works
        for the ``'Parameters'`` sections.

        The new docstring without the selected parts will be accessible as
        ``base_key + '.no_' + '|'.join(params)``, e.g.

        See the :meth:`keep_params` method for an example.

        base_key: str
            key in the :attr:`params` dictionary
            str. Parameter identifier of which the documentations shall be

        See Also
        delete_types, keep_params
            base_key + '.no_' + '|'.join(params)] = delete_params(
                self.params[base_key], *params)

    def delete_kwargs(self, base_key, args=None, kwargs=None):
        Delete the ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` part from the parameters section.

        Either `args` or `kwargs` must not be None. The resulting key will be
        stored in

        ``base_key + 'no_args'``
            if `args` is not None and `kwargs` is None
        ``base_key + 'no_kwargs'``
            if `args` is None and `kwargs` is not None
        ``base_key + 'no_args_kwargs'``
            if `args` is not None and `kwargs` is not None

        base_key: str
            The key in the :attr:`params` attribute to use
        args: None or str
            The string for the args to delete
        kwargs: None or str
            The string for the kwargs to delete

        The type name of `args` in the base has to be like ````*<args>````
        (i.e. the `args` argument preceeded by a ``'*'`` and enclosed by double
        ``'`'``). Similarily, the type name of `kwargs` in `s` has to be like
        if not args and not kwargs:
            warn("Neither args nor kwargs are given. I do nothing for %s" % (
        ext = '.no' + ('_args' if args else '') + ('_kwargs' if kwargs else '')
        ret = delete_kwargs(self.params[base_key], args, kwargs)
        self.params[base_key + ext] = ret
        return ret

    def delete_types(self, base_key, out_key, *types):
        Delete a parameter from a parameter documentation.

        This method deletes the given `param` from the `base_key` item in the
        :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original
        documentation without the description of the param. This method works
        for ``'Results'`` like sections.

        See the :meth:`keep_types` method for an example.

        base_key: str
            key in the :attr:`params` dictionary
        out_key: str
            Extension for the base key (the final key will be like
            ``'%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)``
            str. The type identifier of which the documentations shall deleted

        See Also
        self.params['%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)] = delete_types(
            self.params[base_key], *types)

    def keep_params(self, base_key, *params):
        Keep only specific parameters from a parameter documentation.

        This method extracts the given `param` from the `base_key` item in the
        :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original
        documentation with only the description of the param. This method works
        for ``'Parameters'`` like sections.

        The new docstring with the selected parts will be accessible as
        ``base_key + '.' + '|'.join(params)``, e.g.

        base_key: str
            key in the :attr:`params` dictionary
            str. Parameter identifier of which the documentations shall be
            in the new section

        See Also
        keep_types, delete_params

        To extract just two parameters from a function and reuse their
        docstrings, you can type::

            >>> from docrep import DocstringProcessor
            >>> d = DocstringProcessor()
            >>> @d.get_sections(base='do_something')
            ... def do_something(a=1, b=2, c=3):
            ...     '''
            ...     That's %(doc_key)s
            ...     Parameters
            ...     ----------
            ...     a: int, optional
            ...         A dummy parameter description
            ...     b: int, optional
            ...         A second dummy parameter that will be excluded
            ...     c: float, optional
            ...         A third parameter'''
            ...     print(a)

            >>> d.keep_params('do_something.parameters', 'a', 'c')

            >>> @d.dedent
            ... def do_less(a=1, c=4):
            ...     '''
            ...     My second function with only `a` and `c`
            ...     Parameters
            ...     ----------
            ...     %(do_something.parameters.a|c)s'''
            ...     pass

            >>> print(do_less.__doc__)
            My second function with only `a` and `c`
            a: int, optional
                A dummy parameter description
            c: float, optional
                A third parameter

        Equivalently, you can use the :meth:`delete_params` method to remove

            >>> d.delete_params('do_something.parameters', 'b')

            >>> @d.dedent
            ... def do_less(a=1, c=4):
            ...     '''
            ...     My second function with only `a` and `c`
            ...     Parameters
            ...     ----------
            ...     %(do_something.parameters.no_b)s'''
            ...     pass

        self.params[base_key + '.' + '|'.join(params)] = keep_params(
            self.params[base_key], *params)

    def keep_types(self, base_key, out_key, *types):
        Keep only specific parameters from a parameter documentation.

        This method extracts the given `type` from the `base_key` item in the
        :attr:`params` dictionary and creates a new item with the original
        documentation with only the description of the type. This method works
        for the ``'Results'`` sections.

        base_key: str
            key in the :attr:`params` dictionary
        out_key: str
            Extension for the base key (the final key will be like
            ``'%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)``
            str. The type identifier of which the documentations shall be
            in the new section

        See Also
        delete_types, keep_params

        To extract just two return arguments from a function and reuse their
        docstrings, you can type::

            >>> from docrep import DocstringProcessor
            >>> d = DocstringProcessor()
            >>> @d.get_sections(base='do_something', sections=['Returns'])
            ... def do_something():
            ...     '''
            ...     That's %(doc_key)s
            ...     Returns
            ...     -------
            ...     float
            ...         A random number
            ...     int
            ...         A random integer'''
            ...     return 1.0, 4

            >>> d.keep_types('do_something.returns', 'int_only', 'int')

            >>> @d.dedent
            ... def do_less():
            ...     '''
            ...     My second function that only returns an integer
            ...     Returns
            ...     -------
            ...     %(do_something.returns.int_only)s'''
            ...     return do_something()[1]

            >>> print(do_less.__doc__)
            My second function that only returns an integer
                A random integer

        Equivalently, you can use the :meth:`delete_types` method to remove

            >>> d.delete_types('do_something.returns', 'no_float', 'float')

            >>> @d.dedent
            ... def do_less():
            ...     '''
            ...     My second function with only `a` and `c`
            ...     Returns
            ...     ----------
            ...     %(do_something.returns.no_float)s'''
            ...     return do_something()[1]
        self.params['%s.%s' % (base_key, out_key)] = keep_types(
            self.params[base_key], *types)

    def get_docstring(self, s, base=None):
        """Get a docstring of a function.

        Like the :meth:`get_sections` method this method serves as a
        descriptor for functions but saves the entire docstring.
        if base is not None:
            self.params[base] = s
        return s

    def get_summary(self, s, base=None):
        Get the summary of the given docstring.

        This method extracts the summary from the given docstring `s` which is
        basicly the part until two newlines appear

        s: str
            The docstring to use
        base: str or None
            A key under which the summary shall be stored in the :attr:`params`
            attribute. If not None, the summary will be stored in
            ``base + '.summary'``. Otherwise, it will not be stored at all

            The extracted summary
        summary =
        if base is not None:
            self.params[base + '.summary'] = summary
        return summary

    def get_extended_summary(self, s, base=None):
        """Get the extended summary from a docstring.

        This here is the extended summary

        s: str
            The docstring to use
        base: str or None
            A key under which the summary shall be stored in the :attr:`params`
            attribute. If not None, the summary will be stored in
            ``base + '.summary_ext'``. Otherwise, it will not be stored at

            The extracted extended summary
        # Remove the summary and dedent
        s = self._remove_summary(s)
        ret = ''
        if not self._all_sections_patt.match(s):
            m = self._extended_summary_patt.match(s)
            if m is not None:
                ret =
        if base is not None:
            self.params[base + '.summary_ext'] = ret
        return ret

    def get_full_description(self, s, base=None):
        """Get the full description from a docstring.

        This here and the line above is the full description (i.e. the
        combination of the :meth:`get_summary` and the
        :meth:`get_extended_summary`) output

        s: str
            The docstring to use
        base: str or None
            A key under which the description shall be stored in the
            :attr:`params` attribute. If not None, the summary will be stored
            in ``base + '.full_desc'``. Otherwise, it will not be stored
            at all

            The extracted full description
        summary = self.get_summary(s)
        extended_summary = self.get_extended_summary(s)
        ret = (summary + '\n\n' + extended_summary).strip()
        if base is not None:
            self.params[base + '.full_desc'] = ret
        return ret

    # ------------------ DEPRECATED METHODS -----------------------------------

    @deprecated('dedent', "0.3.0", removed_in="0.4.0")
    def dedents(self, *args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated('get_sections', "0.3.0", replace=False, removed_in="0.4.0")
    def get_sectionsf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_sections(base=args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs)

    @deprecated('with_indent', "0.3.0", removed_in="0.4.0")
    def with_indents(self, *args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated(_delete_params_s, "0.3.0", True, 'docrep.delete_params',
    def delete_params_s(*args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated(_delete_types_s, "0.3.0", True, 'docrep.delete_types',
    def delete_types_s(*args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated(_delete_kwargs_s, "0.3.0", True, 'docrep.delete_kwargs',
    def delete_kwargs_s(cls, *args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated(_keep_params_s, "0.3.0", True, 'docrep.keep_params',
    def keep_params_s(*args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated(_keep_types_s, "0.3.0", True, 'docrep.keep_types',
    def keep_types_s(*args, **kwargs):

    @deprecated('get_docstring', "0.3.0", replace=False, removed_in="0.4.0")
    def save_docstring(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_docstring(base=args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs)

    @deprecated('get_summary', "0.3.0", replace=False, removed_in="0.4.0")
    def get_summaryf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_summary(base=args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs)

    @deprecated('get_full_description', "0.3.0", replace=False,
    def get_full_descriptionf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_full_description(base=args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs)

    @deprecated('get_extended_summary', "0.3.0", replace=False,
    def get_extended_summaryf(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_extended_summary(base=args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs)

@deprecated(inspect.cleandoc, "0.2.6", replacement_name='inspect.cleandoc',
def dedents(s):