Source code for openpnm.models.physics.capillary_pressure._funcs

import logging
import numpy as _np
from transforms3d import _gohlketransforms as tr
from openpnm.models import physics as pm
from openpnm.models import _doctxt
from openpnm.models.physics._utils import _get_key_props

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs] @_doctxt def washburn(phase, surface_tension="throat.surface_tension", contact_angle="throat.contact_angle", diameter="throat.diameter"): r""" Computes the capillary entry pressure assuming the throat in a cylindrical tube. Parameters ---------- %(phase)s surface_tension : str %(dict_blurb)s surface tension. If a pore property is given, it is interpolated to a throat list. contact_angle : str %(dict_blurb)s contact angle. If a pore property is given, it is interpolated to a throat list. diameter : str %(dict_blurb)s throat diameter Returns ------- %(return_arr)s capillary entry pressure Notes ----- The Washburn equation is: .. math:: P_c = -\frac{2\sigma(cos(\theta))}{r} This is the most basic approach to calculating entry pressure and is suitable for highly non-wetting invading phases in most materials. """ network = sigma = phase[surface_tension] theta = phase[contact_angle] r = network[diameter] / 2 value = -2 * sigma * _np.cos(_np.radians(theta)) / r if diameter.split(".")[0] == "throat": pass else: value = value[phase.pores()] value[_np.absolute(value) == _np.inf] = 0 return value
[docs] @_doctxt def purcell(phase, r_toroid, surface_tension="throat.surface_tension", contact_angle="throat.contact_angle", diameter="throat.diameter"): r""" Computes the throat capillary entry pressure assuming the throat is a toroid. Parameters ---------- %(phase)s r_toroid : float or array_like The radius of the toroid surrounding the pore surface_tension : str %(dict_blurb)s surface tension. contact_angle : str %(dict_blurb)s contact angle. diameter : str %(dict_blurb)s throat diameter Returns ------- %(return_arr)s capillary entry pressure Notes ----- This approach accounts for the converging-diverging nature of many throat types. Advancing the meniscus beyond the apex of the toroid requires an increase in capillary pressure beyond that for a cylindical tube of the same radius. The details of this equation are described by Mason and Morrow [1]_, and explored by Gostick [2]_ in the context of a pore network model. References ---------- .. [1] G. Mason, N. R. Morrow, Effect of contact angle on capillary displacement curvatures in pore throats formed by spheres. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 168, 130 (1994). .. [2] J. Gostick, Random pore network modeling of fibrous PEMFC gas diffusion media using Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations. J. Electrochem. Soc. 160, F731 (2013). """ network = sigma = phase[surface_tension] theta = phase[contact_angle] r = network[diameter] / 2 R = r_toroid alpha = ( theta - 180 + _np.rad2deg(_np.arcsin(_np.sin(_np.radians(theta)) / (1 + r / R))) ) value = (-2 * sigma / r) * ( _np.cos(_np.radians(theta - alpha)) / (1 + R / r * (1 - _np.cos(_np.radians(alpha)))) ) if diameter.split(".")[0] == "throat": pass else: value = value[phase.pores()] return value