Source code for openpnm.contrib._multiphase

import logging

import numpy as np

import openpnm.models.misc as misc
from openpnm.phase import Phase as Phase
from openpnm.utils import Docorator, TypedSet

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
docstr = Docorator()

__all__ = [

class MultiPhaseSettings:
    phases : list of strings
        The name of the phase objects which comprize this multiphase object
    throat_occupancy : str
        Indicates how throat occupancy is determined.  Options are:

        =========== ==========================================================
        mode        description
        =========== ==========================================================
        'automatic' The occupancy of each throat is calculated based on the
                    occupancy of the two neighboring pores
        'manual'    The occupancy of each throat must be set by hand by
                    assigning values to 'throat.occupancy.{}'
        =========== ==========================================================

    partition_coef_prefix : str
        The throat property which contains the partition coefficient values
    phases = TypedSet(types=[str])
    throat_occupancy = 'manual'
    partition_coef_prefix = 'throat.partition_coef'

[docs] @docstr.dedent class MultiPhase(Phase): """ Creates a Phase object that represents a multiphase system consisting of a given list of Phases. Parameters ---------- phases : list[Phase] A list containing the phase objects that make up the multiphase system %(Phase.parameters)s Notes ----- This class assumes that only a SINGLE phase exists in each pore/throat. """ def __init__(self, phases=[], name='mphase_?', **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.settings._update(MultiPhaseSettings()) # Pressure/temperature must come from constituent phases self.pop('pore.temperature', None) self.pop('pore.pressure', None) # Initialize the partition coefficient, K self._K = np.ones(self.Nt, dtype=float) prefix = self.settings["partition_coef_prefix"] self[f"{prefix}.global"] = self._K # Add supplied phases to phases dict and initialize occupancy to 0 self.add_phases(phases) def __getitem__(self, key): try: vals = super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: vals = self._interleave_data(key) return vals @property def phases(self): phases = {self.project[item].name: self.project[item] for item in self.settings['phases']} return phases @property def K(self): self._build_K() return self._K @K.setter def K(self, value): self._K = value
[docs] def add_phases(self, phases): """ Adds supplied phases to MultiPhase object and sets occupancy to 0. Parameters ---------- phases : list[Phase] or Phase """ phases = np.array(phases, ndmin=1) for phase in phases: if in self.settings["phases"]: continue self.settings['phases'].add( self[f'pore.occupancy.{}'] = 0.0 self[f'throat.occupancy.{}'] = 0.0
[docs] def set_occupancy(self, phase, *, pores=[], throats=[], values=1): r""" Specifies occupancy of a phase in each pore or throat. This method doesn't return any value. Parameters ---------- phase : Phase The phase whose occupancy is being specified. pores : ndarray The location of pores whose occupancy is to be set. throats : ndarray The location of throats whose occupancy is to be set. values : ndarray or float Pore/throat occupancy values. """ pores = np.array(pores, ndmin=1) throats = np.array(throats, ndmin=1) if not(pores.size ^ throats.size): raise Exception("Must either pass 'pores' or 'throats'") if phase not in self.project: raise Exception(f"{} doesn't belong to this project") self.add_phases(phase) if pores.size: self[f'pore.occupancy.{}'][pores] = values if throats.size: self[f'throat.occupancy.{}'][throats] = values if self.settings["throat_occupancy"] == "automatic": self.regenerate_models(propnames=f"throat.occupancy.{}")
[docs] def regenerate_models(self, propnames=None, exclude=[]): r""" Regenerate models associated with the Multiphase object This method works by first regenerating the models associated with the constituent phases, and then regenerating Multiphase models. Parameters ---------- propnames : list[str] or str The list of property names to be regenerated. If None are given then ALL models are re-run (except for those whose ``regen_mode`` is 'constant'). exclude : list[str] Since the default behavior is to run ALL models, this can be used to exclude specific models. It may be more convenient to supply as list of 2 models to exclude than to specify 8 models to include. """ # Regenerate models associated with phases within MultiPhase object for phase in self.phases.values(): phase.regenerate_models(propnames=propnames, exclude=exclude) # Regenerate models specific to MultiPhase object super().regenerate_models(propnames=propnames, exclude=exclude)
[docs] def set_binary_partition_coef(self, phases, model, **kwargs): """ Sets binary partition coefficient as defined by the interface concentration ratio of phase 1 to phase 2. Parameters ---------- phases : list[Phase] List of the two phases for which the binary partition coefficient model is being added. model : OpenPNM model Model for calculating the binary partition coefficient. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to the ``model``. """ assert len(phases) == 2 # Add partition coefficient interface model to the MultiPhase propname_prefix = self.settings["partition_coef_prefix"] self._add_interface_prop(propname_prefix, phases, model, **kwargs) self._build_K()
def _add_interface_prop(self, propname, phases, model, **kwargs): """ Adds an interface model to the MultiPhase object. See Notes. Notes ----- Let's say the two phases corresponding to the interface model are named: 'air' and 'water', and the interface propname to be added is ''. After augmentation, '' will be the propname that's stored on the ``MultiPhase`` object. Note that because of this convention, the order of the phases that are passed to this method is important. """ # Add "throat" keyword to the begining of propname if no identifier is found if propname.split(".")[0] not in ["pore", "throat"]: propname = f"throat.{propname}" # Check propname is throat property if propname.startswith("pore"): raise Exception("'propname' must be a throat property") # Add model to Multiphase propname = self._format_interface_prop(propname, phases) self.add_model(propname, model, **kwargs) def _format_interface_prop(self, propname, phases): """Formats propname as {propname}.{phase[0].name}:{phase[1].name}""" prefix = propname suffix = ":".join( for phase in phases) return f"{prefix}.{suffix}" def _get_phase_labels(self, formatted_propname): """Retrieves phases names from a formatted propname""" assert ":" in formatted_propname return formatted_propname.split(".")[-1].split(":") def _get_interface_throats(self, phase1, phase2): conns = occ1 = self[f"pore.occupancy.{phase1}"][conns] occ2 = self[f"pore.occupancy.{phase2}"][conns] idx12, = np.where((occ1[:, 0] == 1) & (occ2[:, 1] == 1)) idx21, = np.where((occ2[:, 0] == 1) & (occ1[:, 1] == 1)) return idx12, idx21 def _build_K(self): """Updates the global partition coefficient array""" prefix = self.settings["partition_coef_prefix"] self._K = np.ones(self.Nt, dtype=float) # Find all binary partition coefficient models models = [k for k in self.models.keys() if k.startswith(prefix)] # Modify the global partition coefficient for each phase pair for model in models: K12 = self[model] phase1, phase2 = self._get_phase_labels(model) idx12, idx21 = self._get_interface_throats(phase1, phase2) self._K[idx12] = K12[idx12] self._K[idx21] = 1 / K12[idx21] # Store a reference in self as a propname for convenience self[f"{prefix}.global"][:] = self._K def _interleave_data(self, prop): """Gathers property values from component phases to build a single array.""" element = self._parse_element(prop)[0] vals = np.zeros(self._count(element=element), dtype=float) # Retrieve property from constituent phases (weight = occupancy) for phase in self.phases.values(): vals += phase[prop] * self[f"{element}.occupancy.{}"] return vals def _set_automatic_throat_occupancy(self, mode="mean"): """ Automatically interpolates throat occupancy based on that in adjacent pores. This method doesn't return any value. Parameters ---------- mode : str Interpolation method. Options are: =========== ===================================================== mode meaning =========== ===================================================== 'mean' sets the throat occupancy as the average of that in adjacent pores. 'min' sets the throat occupancy as the minimum value of that in adjacent pores. 'max' sets the throat occupancy as the maximum value of that in adjacent pores. =========== ===================================================== """ self.settings['throat_occupancy'] = 'automatic' for phase in self.phases.values(): self.add_model(propname=f"throat.occupancy.{}", model=misc.from_neighbor_pores, prop=f"pore.occupancy.{}", mode=mode)
[docs] def multiphase_diffusion(phase, pore_diffusivity="pore.diffusivity", throat_diffusivity="throat.diffusivity", size_factors="throat.diffusive_size_factors", partition_coef_global=""): r""" Calculates the diffusive conductance of conduits for multiphase systems. Parameters ---------- %(phase)s pore_diffusivity : str %(dict_blurb)s pore diffusivity throat_diffusivity : str %(dict_blurb)s throat diffusivity size_factors : str %(dict_blurb)s conduit size factors Returns ------- %(return_arr)s diffusive conductance Notes ----- This method assumes that ``phase["partition_coef"]`` contains information on binary phase partitioning. See ``MultiPhase`` class documentation for more information. """ network = cn = network.conns SF = network[size_factors] if isinstance(SF, dict): F1, Ft, F2 = SF.values() elif SF.ndim > 1: F1, Ft, F2 = SF.T else: F1, Ft, F2 = np.inf, SF, np.inf # Fetch model parameters D1, D2 = phase[pore_diffusivity][cn].T Dt = phase[throat_diffusivity] g1 = D1 * F1 gt = Dt * Ft g2 = D2 * F2 # Apply Henry's partitioning coefficient # Note: m12 = (G21*c1 - G12*c2) NOT (G12*c1 - G21*c2) K12 = phase[partition_coef_global] G21 = (1/g1 + 0.5/gt + K12 * (1/g2 + 0.5/gt)) ** -1 G12 = K12 * G21 return np.vstack((G12, G21)).T